Mushroom blocks are solid blocks that generate naturally as part of huge mushrooms. They have two varieties, red mushroom blocks, and brown mushroom blocks which depend on the color type of the huge mushroom.
Brown and red mushroom blocks (via screenshot)
Huge mushrooms are naturally generated in mushroom biomes and are the only source of mushroom blocks. You can pick up mushrooms block by breaking them with an ax. They can drop between 0 and 2 blocks at a time and this number is not affected by enchantments such as Fortune.
Huge mushrooms in mushroom biome (via screenshot)
Mushroom blocks are primarily decorative blocks but since they are organic they can be placed into composters. They have an 85% chance of creating a new layer of compost when placed in the composter. They allow note blocks to produce a ‘bass’ sound when placed below them.
Using mushroom blocks for composting (via screenshot)
Mushroom blocks are decorative blocks that can be used to make bone meal with the help of a composter. Their only source is huge mushrooms that can be grown from regular mushrooms or found in mushroom biomes.
A. You can get mushroom blocks from huge mushrooms that can be found in mushrooms biomes or by using bone meal on regular mushrooms.
A. Mushroom blocks can be placed and re-broken to get mushrooms which can then be turned into mushroom soup. They can also be placed in composters to create bone meal.
A. The mushroom biome is the rarest biome in the game with a 0.056% chance of generating.
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