Nether Brick Walls are a variant of regular stone walls made from nether bricks. They are the stone counterparts of wooden fences. Like fences, they are used to create boundaries over which players and mobs cannot jump.
A nether brick wall (via screenshot)
Nether Brick Walls aren’t a part of any naturally generated structures, thus making crafting them the only way of obtaining them. You will require six blocks of nether bricks which you must arrange in a 2x3 formation filling up the middle and bottom row of the 3x3 crafting grid.
Crafting Nether Brick Walls (via screenshot)
Nether Brick Walls are one and a half blocks tall making them perfect for building enclosures for animals or for using them to set up a perimeter around your home to deny hostile mobs from getting too close. They are also more efficient at blocking mobs than two-block high walls since they cost half the amount of blocks to craft.
An animal pen made from nether brick walls (via screenshot)
Nether Brick Walls are stone walls made from nether brick, which gives them a dark red color. They are mostly used for building animal pens or blocking hostile mobs. They do not generate naturally, which makes crafting the only way to obtain them.
A. You will need six nether brick blocks to craft Nether Brick Walls.
A. Unlike fences, if two Nether Brick Walls are placed diagonally, players cannot walk between them.
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