An obsidian block (via screenshot)
Obsidian is the strongest block that can be obtained by players as unlike blocks like bedrock and barrier blocks, obsidian can be mined after being placed. The only way to pick up obsidian is by mining it with a diamond or netherite pickaxe.
Obsidian is a block that is generated in all dimensions of the game. In the Overworld, it can be found in woodland mansions, as part of ruined portals, and in deep caves and ravines. In the Nether it is naturally generated only as a part of ruined portals. In the end, tall pillars of obsidian are generated on the main island and it can also be found in end ships.
Naturally generated obsidian in a ravine (via screnshot)
Obsidian is formed when flowing water touches a lava source block, and can be found naturally where water from a spring or lake has flowed over a nearby lava pool. Obsidian blocks can also be found in loot chests in bastion remnants, nether fortresses, ruined portals, and villages. Piglins can also drop obsidian blocks when given gold ingots to barter with.
Obsidian generated after water came in contact with lava blocks (via screenshot)
Obsidian is used most commonly for making enchantment tables, nether portals, and blast-resistant structures since obsidian has the highest blast resistance in the game. Obsidian makes an extremely effective defense block as most mobs cannot break it, even the ender dragon is unable to break it. Obsidian blocks can only be destroyed by blue wither skulls since they ignore the blast resistance of blocks. The Wither itself can also break obsidian through either its block-breaking behavior or its dash attack.
A nether portal made from obsidian (via screenshot)
Obsidian is one of the strongest blocks in the game. It is of vital importance when making nether portals and enchantment tables. It naturally generates in all dimensions and can also be made by allowing water to touch a lava source block. It can only be picked up when broken with a pickaxe made of diamond or netherite.
A. Obsidian is naturally generated in deep caves and ravines in the Overworld.
A. A pickaxe made from either diamond or netherite is required to mine diamonds.
A. You can make obsidian by allowing water to flow into a lava source block.
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