Sand is a pretty common block that can be found abundantly in desert biomes, river banks, beaches, and at the bottom of rivers and oceans. It is a gravity-obeying block that will fall to the ground if there isn't a block underneath it.
A block of sand (via screenshot)
Sand is naturally generated in quite a few biomes. It is most commonly found in desert biomes and on beaches, usually in four-block deep layers that are supported by sandstone below them. You can find sand in abundance at the bottom of lukewarm, deep lukewarm, and warm oceans.
Sand is also generated on the banks and bases of rivers and lakes. Red sand is a variant of sand found only in the Badlands biome. Unlike regular sand, it doesn't have red sandstone to support it. Wandering traders can sell you both red and regular sand for four and eight emeralds respectively.
Sand on a beach (via screenshot)
Sand is most commonly used as a crafting ingredient for concrete powder, sandstone, and TNT. Smelting sand in a furnace produces glass blocks. Players use sand mostly for making glass blocks or for growing cacti, bamboo, sugarcane, and kelp. Sand can be turned into sandstone which is a block that isn't affected by gravity. This can thus be used to support sand blocks.
Smelting sand into glass (via screenshot)
Sand is a gravity-affected block that can be found quite easily and in abundance in the desert or near water bodies such as rivers and lakes. It can be picked up by using any tool but the shovel is the quickest.
A. No, sand cannot be made with a crafting table or furnace. It can only be picked up.
A. Sand can be commonly found in desert biomes, on the banks of rivers and lakes, and on the ocean floor.
A. The shovel is the tool that is able to dig sand the quickest.
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