Sculk is an interesting block introduced in the 1.19 update of Java Minecraft. Sculk can provide you with plenty of experience, but it can also spread out of control. Knowing where sculk can be found and how it interacts with other things can help you take full advantage of sculk blocks.
You can find Sculk blocks spawning in deep dark cave biomes. They can spawn in locations like Ancient Cities, or drop from the intimidating warden mob, and also spawn in structures like the Warden’s Cabin.
You do not need any special tools to mine sculk blocks, but a hoe will mine the blocks the fastest.
Sculk is a luminescent block, but it does not provide any light values. Any sculk block that is mined will drop 1 experience. This can help you increase the amount of experience you gain by replacing some blocks in mob spawners with sculk catalysts.
While sculk blocks are primarily used for decoration, any mob that dies within 8 blocks of a sculk catalyst will replace all blocks in the area with sculk blocks. Taking advantage of blocks that can give you experience can shorten the time required to enchant or repair your gear.
Sculk blocks are best mined with a hoe. If the tool does not have the Silk Touch enchantment on it, it will drop 1 experience point when mined. Make sure to mine these blocks without Silk Touch as you can obtain them without the enchantment.
Congratulations, now you know just about everything there is to know about sculk blocks. While they are mostly used for decorative purposes, they also have unique effects that can provide you with experience. Knowing all of the advantages of sculk blocks is important for tackling the new biomes of 1.19.
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