The sea lantern is a light source block that can be found underwater inside ocean monuments. They emit a light level of 15, which is the highest in the game and they also have a unique animated texture on all sides making them a great light source and a decorative block at the same time.
A sea lantern (via screenshot)
Sea lanterns are naturally generated inside and around ocean monuments; they can only be picked up when broken with a tool enchanted with silk touch. If broken without a tool enchanted with silk touch it will drop 2-3 prismarine crystals. Players can also craft sea lanterns with four prismarine shards and five prismarine crystals, you will have to arrange them as shown below.
Crafting a sea lantern (via screenshot)
Sea lanterns are primarily used as light sources since they emit a light level of 15 making them one of the brightest possible blocks in the game. They are as bright as glowstones, redstone lamps, lanterns, etc. They also have an animated pattern on all six sides making them a great choice for decorative blocks.
Using sea lanterns as light sources (via screenshot)
Sea lanterns are light source blocks that are one the brightest in the game with a light level of 15. They generate naturally inside and around ocean monuments. Players can craft them as well by using some prismarine shards and crystals.
A. Sea lanterns can be crafted with four prismarine shards and five prismarine crystals.
A. Yes, all monsters including slimes cannot spawn on sea lanterns.
A. Villagers and wandering traders don't have any trade offers for sea lanterns.
A. Prismarine shards are dropped by guardians and elder guardians upon their death.
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