Feeding animals in Minecraft is an important mechanic. It allows creatures to breed and be farmed, it allows your pets to be tamed and recover their health. And by far the animal that eating affects the most is the Horse. Horses
Horses can eat a variety of foods which all can help them recover health and even grow faster but only specific ones help them breed. Items it can eat and their effects include:
To feed a horse, hold a valid food item and press use on the horse. Feeding invalid food causes the player to mount the horse. Horses can be fed only when feeding would have an effect. For example, if a horse was at full health it could not be fed anything but breeding items while a baby horse can always be fed items which help it grow.
What do Horses like to eat the most?
Horses prefer different foods depending on the situation. If you want them to breed, the foods to feed them are Golden Apples and Golden Carrots. If you want to heal them, Hay Bales are the best option. If you want a baby horse to grow faster, their favorite is Golden Apples.
What do Horses mainly eat?
Due to the abundance of wheat you will probably be feeding your horses Wheat and Hay Bales the most. Other items like Golden Apples and Golden Carrots are hard to come by and things like Sugar and Apples have too little of an effect to be worth using all the time.
Can you breed tamed Horses?
Yes! By using a Golden Apple or Golden Carrot on two tamed horses they will breed just like any other animal. It has to be these two items though, other items Horses can eat will not initiate breeding and items Horses cannot eat will just cause you to mount the horse.
Feeding your horses the right food for the right situations is important so make sure you know the effects of your horse's diet. If you want a combat horse, keep lots of Hay Bales on your hotbar. If you want lots of baby horses, make sure to stockpile some gold for those apples and carrots.
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