Oxidized copper is a variant of the copper block. Oxidized copper blocks cannot be crafted by players. They start off as regular copper blocks that get oxidized over time once exposed to air. The oxidation process relies on random ticks and it cannot be accelerated by water or rain.
An oxidized copper block (via screenshot)
Oxidized copper blocks can neither be crafted by players nor do they generate naturally in the Overworld. The only way to get an oxidized copper block is by placing a regular copper block in a place where it is exposed to the air. Over a period of time, its appearance will slowly turn green. Once completely green, it is now classified as Oxidized copper. This process cannot be sped up by players.
A copper block slowly oxidizing (via screenshot)
Oxidized copper blocks can be used as building or decorative blocks. They can be turned into stairs, they can be waxed and cut with the help of a stonecutter. Their unique brown-greenish appearance makes them quite useful for emulating an oxidized effect on structures close to water bodies.
Using a stone cutter to cut oxidized copper blocks (via screenshot)
Oxidized Copper is a green variant of the regular copper block that is mostly used for building and decorating. They do not generate naturally and the only way to get them is by exposing copper blocks to air.
A. Copper blocks can be oxidized once exposed to open air. Without being waxed with a honeycomb they will slowly oxidize over time.
A. It takes about 50-82 Minecraft days for copper to oxidize completely.
A. Yes, if an oxidized copper block gets struck by lightning it will get deoxidized, thus returning to its original state.
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