A compass in Minecraft will always point to your world spawn regardless of where you have set your spawn with a bed. It can be found in chests around the world, traded with expert level librarians or be crafted by players. To craft a compass, open the crafting table and place a Redstone in the center of the 3x3 grid. Then surround each side of the redstone with an iron ingot to finish crafting the compass. After you craft the compass, it will always point in the direction of your world spawn; however, if you wish to change where your compass points you will need to craft a lodestone.
If you are ever lost in Minecraft a good way to direct yourself back home is with a compass.
Compasses can be found in three naturally generated locations. There is a chance you find them in shipwreck chests, stronghold library chests, and village cartographer chests.
Expert level librarians also have a chance to sell a compass for four emeralds. You can also craft a compass yourself.
To make a compass you will need four iron ingots and one Redstone dust. Locate some iron ore and mine it with at least a stone pickaxe.
You can distinguish iron by its brown specks. While you are in your mines look for redstone ore. It is easily distinguished by its red flecks and it will light up as you hit it or walk over it.
You will need at least an iron pickaxe to mine the Redstone ore. Smelt your iron ore in a furnace and wait for your iron to finish cooking.
Take your materials to a crafting table and place your Redstone dust in the middle-most slot and arrange your ingots around the middle slot in a plus sign.
A compass does not need any extra work in order to function. After you craft the compass it will always point in the direction of your world spawn. If you would like to change where your compass points you will need to craft a lodestone. In order to craft a lodestone, you will need one netherite ingot and eight chiseled stone bricks. To get netherite you will need to locate ancient debris in the nether.
You can find ancient debris in groups of 1-3 between “Y” levels 8 and 22. In order to mine the ancient debris, you will need at least a diamond pickaxe. Each debris will smelt into one netherite scrap and you will need four in order to make a netherite ingot. While you are searching for ancient debris, mine any nether gold ore you come across.
If you have spare gold on hand you don’t need to worry about finding these nether gold ores.
To make a netherite ingot you will need four gold ingots. After gathering enough materials head back to the surface. Turn your gold nuggets into gold ingots by combining nine in the crafting table.
Smelt your ancient debris in a furnace to get netherite scraps.
With your four scraps and four gold ingots place them in the crafting table to be rewarded with a netherite ingot.
To make chiseled stone bricks smelt some cobblestone in a furnace to get regular stone.
Place your stone in a crafting table in a 2x2 grid to make stone bricks.
You can make slabs out of these stone bricks and use those slabs to make chiseled stone bricks.
Do this until you have eight chiseled stone bricks.
Place your netherite ingot in the centermost slot in the crafting table with chiseled stone bricks surrounding it to make a lodestone.
Right-clicking a lodestone with a compass equipped will “enchant” the compass and rename it into lodestone compass. This specific compass will now only point towards the lodestone.
You can use a compass on a lodestone to set the compass to only point towards the lodestone. This can be very helpful when you travel far from home and need a way to ensure you know your way back home without coordinates.
Enchanting a lodestone compass and breaking the lodestone will cause the compass to wiggle and point in every direction similar to how compasses behave in the nether or the end.
You can use commands to change the world spawn and therefore change the location that the compass points to. The command is “/setworldspawn” this will change the world spawn to your current location.
A compass points to your world spawn made during world generation. It will only point to your bed if your bed is on the world spawn. Otherwise, your compass will never point to your bed.
If you have the foresight to create a lodestone and enchant a compass, you can utilize the compass to find your lost house, or if your home is close to the world spawn you can use a regular compass. In any other case, if your house had a bed that you set a spawn point at, you can create an ender chest and fill it with all your valuable items. You can choose to die and respawn at your bed with your valuables safely in the ender chest.
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