Farmland is a block on which players can plant seeds, root vegetables, and plant most saplings. It can be naturally generated as part of villages or you can make your own from dirt blocks. They are used mostly for growing food crops.
A farmland block (via screenshot)
You cannot pick up farmland that is naturally generated or self-made, even with the silk touch enchantment. You can find naturally generated farmland in villages, which might have wheat, potatoes, carrots, beetroots, etc. growing on them. You can make farmland on your own by right-clicking dirt or grass blocks with a hoe.
A farm in a village (via screenshot)
Farmland is a vital part of farming the game’s six crop types. Plants such as wheat, carrots, melons, potatoes, beetroots, etc. can only be farmed on farmland. When a block of farmland is created, it is in a ‘dry’ state and needs to be hydrated with water, otherwise the crop planted on dry farmland will take longer to grow. If nothing is planted on a block of dry farmland, it will revert back to a dirt block after some time. When an entity jumps or falls on a farmland block it will revert into a dirt block. This is called decay of farmland and this will break any crops that are growing on the farmland block.
A carrot farm (via screenshot)
Farmland is an important block that is vital to farming important and useful crops, such as wheat and carrots. Since players can make their own farmland with dirt or grass blocks, it is not hard to obtain. These features make the farmland perfect for farming food.
A. You cannot pick up pre-existing farmland blocks, but you can make new ones out of dirt and grass blocks with the help of a hoe.
A. To hydrate farmland, you will need to place a source of water within 4 blocks of it.
A. Yes, plants do require sunlight to grow, it is recommended to keep farmland outside.
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