When it comes to decorations along with other items that you can create in Minecraft, there are few that fit a certain theme or have such a great appearance as the carved pumpkin. It’s a surprisingly versatile item where many different things are possible with what you can accomplish with it. Here we shall go over these possibilities by starting with one of the most iconic things you can with a pumpkin and how it can be used to your advantage in this article.
In a Nutshell:
To carve a pumpkin in Minecraft, you just need a pumpkin and shears. Once you find a pumpkin and have shears equipped in your Hotbar all you need to do is right-click the pumpkin with the shears in your grasp and you should have your carved pumpkin ready to go.
First and foremost you’re going to need a pumpkin. Without it there is obviously nothing to cut, but sometimes it’s not immediately clear for those as the location of where this plant spawns.
Thankfully they are not too difficult to find as they will often spawn in almost all grass blocks that you can find. To carve the pumpkin itself you will require some shears. To get a sheer you will only need 2 iron ingots which are thankfully not too difficult to acquire once you start seriously mining in the early game.
Once you have your shears and pumpkin ready all you need to do is right-click the pumpkin with the shears in your grasp and you should have your carved pumpkin ready to go.
It’s that simple and straightforward. Once you have carved your selected pumpkin all you need to do is hold down the mining button and your carved pumpkin should now be collectible. Once you physically pick it up, you can then wear it on your head if you are ever in a Halloween or other specific festive mood.
Or perhaps you just think that wearing a pumpkin on your head looks cool. You will notice it gives you a unique view as if you were actually wearing a carved pumpkin. Do keep in mind, however, that it has no armor value and offers nothing besides cool aesthetics.
Pumpkins are a unique item that can be used for a variety of reasons beyond just basic armor valueless headwear. Do keep in mind that you can also create snow golems as well as jack o'lanterns with these items and such versatile items should be taken advantage of at your earliest convenience. Failing to do so would be a gross waste of your precious time within the game as it can show just how far you can take rather mundane-looking items to another level you might not even consider.
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