To make a book in Minecraft, place 1 leather and 3 paper in the crafting table. The leather should be placed in the left-most corner of the grid and the 3 papers in a fashion that cover all sides of the leather. Then move it to your inventory.
Books are really important in Minecraft, whether it be for making a book and quill, a bookshelf, an enchantment table, or something else.
Books, although not too handy on their own, can be made into a plethora of items that you can use to upgrade your Minecraft base, your armor, your weapons, and so much more! Crafting books is the foundation of making so many upgrades in your Minecraft world, and is necessary if you want to enchant.
Here is the step-by-step pictorial guide you need to follow to make a book in Minecraft:
To make a book in Minecraft, the first step would be to make paper, which can be crafted with three pieces of sugar cane.
Sugar cane can be found beside bodies of water, whether it be oceans, lakes, or rivers. Sugar cane needs 1 block of water immediately beside it to be planted and grow.
If you are planning on making multiple books at one time, like to make a bookshelf, it’s recommended that you make a sugar cane farm to expedite the process.
To learn more about making paper, read here.
Next, you have to collect enough leather. Leather can be obtained by killing cows or llamas around the world.
Cows are fairly easy to find in any biome, so it won’t be too difficult to locate some.
Llamas, however, spawn mainly in taiga biomes.
Get one piece of leather per Minecraft book you wish to make.
Cows can drop anywhere from 0-3 leather, and they drop more with the looting enchantment. Llamas drop 1-3 leather, again dropping more with the looting enchantment.
Once you have your paper and your leather, you can proceed to make your books.
Crafting tables are not needed for making books. Open the survival inventory crafting GUI.
Place the leather in the lower left-hand corner, and surround it with paper.
Voila, your paper has been crafted successfully.
Enchanted books can be made by placing books into an enchantment table. Enchantment tables in Minecraft take levels from the player in exchange for enchants, so make sure you gain a few levels before enchanting.
Congrats, your book is now ready to use! You may now proceed to make your book and quill, bookshelf, enchantment table, or whatever else you were planning on making. Books can also be placed in item frames to make really cute decorations for around a base or a house in the game.
Happy enchanting!
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