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How to Make Stone Bricks in Minecraft

There are many different types of stones that you can work with within Minecraft. From the humble cobblestone, you can make much cleaner or more detailed stone blocks for your builds. It is not too hard to make stone bricks in Minecraft, but it will take quite a bit of time. There are a lot of different kinds of stone bricks you can use to change the texture of your builds. This guide will show you the required materials to make stone bricks in Minecraft, how to make stone bricks in Minecraft, the command for making stone bricks, as well as what you can use stone bricks themselves to make.

Required Materials to Make Stone Bricks in Minecraft

  1. 4 Regular Stone
  2. Furnace
  3. Stonecutter (optional)

In order to make stone bricks, you will need to make regular stone blocks. You can do so by cooking cobblestone blocks in your furnace. This will give you regular stone blocks. Once you have regular stone blocks, you can use those to make stone bricks. The stonecutter is optional, if you want to make stone bricks one at a time, the stonecutter gives you this option. Otherwise, you can make 4 at a time with 4 regular stone blocks.

How to Make Stone Bricks in Minecraft

You will first want to gather some cobblestone. Every player in the world has more cobblestone than they know what to do with, but if you find yourself in a new world, gather some cobblestone by mining stone with a pickaxe. If you have a silk touch pickaxe, you can skip ahead to the crafting recipe.

Gathering cobblestone to make stone bricks in Minecraft

Once you have gathered enough cobblestone, you can make a furnace if you do not have one already. Craft a furnace by placing 8 cobblestone blocks in a crafting menu, leaving the middle-most space open.

Crafting a furnace to make stone bricks in Minecraft

Once your furnace is made, place it down and put cobblestone in the topmost slot and place fuel in the bottom-most slot. Your fuel can be any wooden item, coal/charcoal, or even a bucket of lava. Most plant-based items work as well. Regardless of what fuel you pick, smelt some of your cobblestones down into regular stone blocks.

Smelting cobblestone

Once you have gathered enough regular stone blocks, you will need 4 for this recipe, you can use them to make stone bricks.

Gathering regular stone blocks to make stone bricks in Minecraft

Each time you complete this recipe, you will get 4 stone bricks. If you would rather make them one at a time, you can do so with a stonecutter. A stonecutter is made with an iron ingot and 3 regular stone blocks.

Stone bricks in Minecraft

In the stonecutter’s UI, you can place a regular stone block into the left-most slot and you will see a few block options open up to you on the left.

Making stone bricks with a stone cutter

Select stone bricks and click on the stone bricks to appear on the right of your regular stone block to make stone bricks one at a time. This can save you some extra stone if you need less than a multiple of 4.

That’s how to make stone bricks in Minecraft.

The command for Making Stone Bricks in Minecraft

In the newer versions of the Java edition of Minecraft (1.13+), the command to give yourself stone bricks is: /give @p stone_bricks #. Where @p is the closest player and “#” is how many stone bricks you want. In older versions of the Java edition of Minecraft (1.8-1.12), the command to give yourself stone bricks is: /give @p stonebricks #. Making it similar, but the syntax does change depending on which version you are playing on.

For the Bedrock edition of Minecraft (and all others), the command to give yourself stone bricks is: /give @p stonebrick #. Where @p is the closest player and “#” is the number of stone bricks you want.

Command for Making Stone Bricks in Minecraft

Usage of Stone Bricks In Minecraft

There are a few different aesthetic changes you can make to stone bricks. They typically just change the block's appearance. However, like most blocks, you can use stone bricks to make stone brick slabs.

1. Place 3 stone bricks in a row in your crafting table to make 6 stone brick slabs.

Using stone bricks to make stone bricks slab

You can also make one at a time in a stonecutter by placing a stone brick in the stonecutter’s UI.

Making stone brick slab with stonecutter

2. Just like other blocks, you can also make stairs by placing them in an ascending shape with 1 in the top row, 2 in the next, and 3 in the bottom row.

Using stone bricks to make stairs

Your 6 bricks will make 4 stairs. If you do plan on building with a lot of these, consider using a stonecutter, as every brick will give you 1 stair, as opposed to the 6 bricks required to make 4 stairs. The ratio is better and you will save yourself some time by using a stonecutter.

Making stone bricks stair with stonecutter

3. You can also make a stone brick wall by placing 2 rows of 3 stone bricks in your crafting table. This can also be done in a stonecutter but does not save you any stone brick efficiency like the stair recipe would. If you need 1 wall instead of 6, then the stonecutter is the way to go. Otherwise, you can do it the old-fashioned way by placing them on a crafting table.

Using stone bricks to make a wall

4. Another way to play around with stone bricks is to place vines in with your stone bricks. Using regular vines that you find in the overworldwith stone bricks will make mossy stone bricks, giving a greenish hue to the gray block.

Using stone bricks to make <span class='entity-link' id='suggestBtn-27'>mossy stone bricks</span>

Just like the above recipes, you can use mossy stone bricks to make slabs, stairs, and walls. The recipe is identical other than swapping out the stone bricks with mossy stone bricks. You can also use a stonecutter to make them 1 or 2 at a time.

 use mossy stone bricks to make slabs, stairs, and walls

5. You can also make cracked stone bricks by placing stone bricks in your furnace. Smelting stone bricks will give you cracked stone bricks which adds a bit of texture to your blocks.

Using stonebricks to make cracked stone bricks

However, unlike the mossy stone bricks or regular stone bricks, you cannot make slabs, walls, or stairs with this variant of stone bricks.

You cannot make walls or slabs with cracked stone brick

6. Finally, you can change the design of the stone bricks themselves by crafting chiseled stone bricks. You will need to start with stone brick slabs in a crafting table to make chiseled stone bricks. Once you have 2 stone brick slabs made, you can place them in a 2x1 column in a crafting menu to make a chiseled stone brick.

you can change the design of the stone bricks themselves by crafting chiseled stone bricks

That’s every recipe involving stone bricks in Minecraft. Of course, you can use them to build with, but I’ll leave that up to you. Consider making a pillar of chiseled stone bricks or a stone brick roof to give a wooden house more dimensions and texture. Whatever you decide, it is nice to know that this stone block has many different applications.

Video guide:



How do you crack stone bricks in Minecraft?

Once you have stone bricks made, you can crack them by placing the stone bricks in a furnace and smelting them. Smelting stone bricks will result in cracked stone bricks. While you cannot make cracked stone brick stairs, walls, or slabs, they can be useful in giving a stony build some texture or make it seem more ruined.

How do you Make Smooth Stone Bricks in Minecraft?

Smooth stone bricks are made by smelting regular stone again. This process can take quite some time, especially if you do not have a silk touch pickaxe. You will need to smelt cobblestone blocks into regular stone, and then smelt the regular stone into smooth stone bricks. If you are running low on fuel, consider building a kelp farm to supply your furnace demands.

How do you Make Mossy Stone Bricks in Minecraft?

If you have stone bricks made, you can combine the stone bricks with vines found in the overworld to make mossy stone bricks. These bricks are essentially stone bricks with a greenish hue. To get vines from the overworld, use shears to be able to collect them from trees. Once you have combined the stone bricks and vines into mossy stone bricks, you can use them to make mossy stone brick slabs, stairs, and walls. You can also use them as-is if you want to.

How do I get Chiseled Stone Bricks in Minecraft?

To make chiseled stone bricks, you will first need to craft stone brick slabs. Do so by placing them in a stonecutter, or by placing a row of 3 stone bricks in your crafting table. Once you have stone brick slabs, you can make chiseled stone bricks by placing 2 slabs in a 2x1 column in a crafting menu. You cannot make chiseled stone brick slabs, walls, or stairs.


There is a lot you can make with just stones in Minecraft. Whether you want to find a use for your cobblestone storage, or simply build with a bit more texture, stone bricks offer you a lot of creative opportunities. Since stone bricks can be made into slabs, stairs, and walls, or even other kinds of stone bricks, knowing what is available can help your creative vision. Careful converting all of your cobblestones into stone bricks, you cannot change them back and eventually into smooth stone bricks if you made them into stone bricks. Think about what your build needs and what textures you would like to see before committing dozens of stacks of cobblestone.

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