The Totem of Undying is undoubtedly the strongest item in Minecraft. Simply holding your totem in your offhand will allow players to survive literally any kind of death in the game. Because this item is used automatically, it is impossible to die while holding this item actively.
Evokers are one of the strongest enemies in Minecraft.
Defeat and Evoker during a Raid or at their Woodland Mansion and they will drop a Totem of Undying! Equip this item to your offhand slot to ensure its protections are always active.
While Raids are a common spawn for Evokers, Woodland Mansions are slightly easier to search for.
Beware its flying allies.
Q. I have trust issues. Isn’t there a type of damage that bypasses the Totem of Undying?
Thankfully, the Totem’s name is accurate. There are no mobs that can bypass Totem of Undying, even Instant Damage arrows.
Defeating an Evoker is a big deal. These “illagers” are even stronger minibosses than Witches and even know the secret of immortality. If you slay these mobs, you will gain a single-use emergency save that will protect your inventory from permanent loss. This can be especially useful if you usually find yourself dying to lava.
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