Sandstone and Red Sandstone are naturally generating blocks that can be found in desert temples and beaches. Unlike regular sand, sandstone is a solid block and is unaffected by gravity.
A sandstone block (via screenshot)
Sandstone is naturally generated usually alongside regular sand since sand is affected by gravity sandstone is generated below it in order to support it. Sandstone is also naturally generated as a part of desert temples, building in the badlands biomes, warm underwater ruins, and building in desert villages. Players can craft sandstone by themselves by simply arranging four blocks of red or regular sand in a 2x2 arrangement inside the crafting grid.
Crafting sandstone (via screenshot)
Unlike sand, sandtone is unaffected by gravity and can freely float in the air. It is mostly used as a support block for sand or as a building block. It can also be cut/crafted into slabs, walls, stairs and chiseled variants. Upon smelting players will get smooth sandstone which can also be turned into the above mentioned variants. All the above can be done to red sandstone as well.
Sandstone cut into other structures (via screenshot)
Sandstone and it’s variant red sandstone are solid blocks that don’t require support unlike regular sand. It is widely used as a building block or support block for sand. Sandstone naturally generates in certain structures but it can also be crafted by the player themselves.
A. Tes, you can craft sandstone by arranging four blocks of sand in a 2x2 pattern in the crafting grid.
A. Sandstone is a structural block that can be used for decorative and building purposes.
A. Sandstone blocks can be picked up when mined with a pickaxe.
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