Though prank videos are the hot thing across all social media platforms and not just on YouTube. It all started when the duo of Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville along with their group of loveable idiots decided to upload their collection of prank videos under the now-famous moniker - Jackass. A decade has passed since that iconic video and since then, prank videos have become one of the most viewed and shared videos across all of social media. This genre has evolved into practical jokes-based content which is often carried out on unsuspecting friends, family members, and the public in general. Prank videos have spawned a sub-genre of prank wars, where people play pranks on their significant others or friends only for them to be pranked back in the next video.
Despite the difficulty in creating prank videos as content, depending on how good a video is, this genre definitely has the potential to make any ordinary hobby YouTuber into the next social media sensation.
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