Mazuma Izuno is a fictional character in the popular manga and anime adaptation of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations series, which is written by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto.
Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Mazuma Izuno and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.
Mazuma Izuno is a resident of Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves). She is a member of the renowned Izuno clan of Konoha and the mother of Wasabi Izuno, the chunin of Team 15 in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.
Name | Mazuma Izuno |
First Appearance in Anime | Boruto Episode 222: The Night Before the Final Round |
Japanese Voice Actor | Risako Murai |
English Voice Actor | NA |
Birthdate | Unknown |
Sex | Female |
Status | Alive |
Affiliation | Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves) |
Team | Unknown |
Clan | Izuno Clan |
The details of Mazuma's past are rather mysterious. Very little is known about her upbringing, parents, or skills. In the anime, she only made a few brief appearances. She is just a part of the Boruto anime and does not appear or receive any mentions in the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga, making her a non-canon character in the series.
She made her anime debut in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations' episode 222, "The Night Before the Final Round", during the Chunin Re-Examination in the series. In the anime, Mazuma and the rest of her family celebrated Wasabi's promotion even though the Chunin Exams were still ongoing when she advanced to the final round.
Mazuma visited her daughter before her match during the chunin exam finals with Wasabi’s grandmother, Amagi Izuno, to praise and express how confident they were in Wasabi’s abilities. Wasabi confessed to Iwabee her lack of confidence in her own abilities and the pressure she felt from not meeting her family's expectations, and that she did not ever become Hokage of Konoha as her parents wished for her in the middle of the game. Mazuma covered Amagi's ears to prevent her from hearing her granddaughter. Mazuma was proud of her daughter when Wasabi used their clan's jutsu to save Iwabee.
Mazuma had a very limited appearance so very little is known about her or her personality. Mazuma is thought to be a compassionate and responsible person based on her brief appearance in the series. She is very passionate about her family, especially her daughter. Even though Wasabi often underestimates her own abilities, Mazuma always believes in her daughter and her abilities. That being said, she can unwittingly put Wasabi under a lot of pressure because she sometimes seems unaware of her ambitions and feelings.
Mazuma is a slim, fair-skinned woman. Her hair is blonde, shoulder-length, and curly, with the top pulled back into a bun. It seems that she may have rather weak eyesight as she has black rounded glasses on her all the time. Her entire look is hippie-like and rather casual. She is seen wearing a yellow beaded necklace and a straightforward brown band around her forehead. She additionally sports a dark grey blouse, a long, open cream-colored robe with blue edging along with pink and blue stripes around elbows, blue pants with a brown belt, and brown boots.
Based on her little appearance, it is hard to deduce whether Mazuma possesses any kunoichi ability or not. It is not mentioned if she was ever enlisted in the Ninja Academy or ever lived the life of a shinobi. As of now, it is believed that she does not possess any battle skills until any relevant information comes to light.
A. Mazuma Izuno is a resident and a kunoichi of Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves). She is the mother of Wasabi Izuno, the chunin of Team 15 in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.
A. Risako Murai voiced Mazuma Izuno in the Japanese version of the Boruto anime.
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