Naruto, the original show, has 220 episodes in total while Naruto Shippuden, the sequel, has 500 episodes. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations already has over 200 episodes. One of the things that make Naruto so long is the number of fillers episodes.
Naruto has fairly decent pacing, with episodes releasing quite quickly. Due to this, it sometimes progresses faster than the manga, creating fillers in between canon episodes. While the fillers do not add much to the story, it is still nice to watch them as you can see how your favorite characters fare with their newly learned techniques.
Naruto episodes are infamous for the absurd amount of flashbacks in every scene. This also extends episodes and fights to be way longer than they should be, all adding up to the massive amounts of episodes Naruto has. It is a running joke that the swing in front of the academy has more screen time than some characters in Naruto.
However, no matter how criticized it is, Naruto fans find it difficult to not re-watch episodes due to the incredible fight sequences, speeches, and training arcs. Sometimes it can be difficult to point out what happens and when it happens. You can find the episode you are looking for here, on Sportskeeda.
Naruto will always be a top anime despite its incredibly high number of episodes and fillers, and that is all thanks to the incredible writing and the variety of things that the series has to offer to the audience.
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