Mikazuki Amaashi is a fictional character in the popular manga and anime adaptation of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations series, which is written by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto.
Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Mikazuki Amaashi and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.
Mikazuki Amaashi was a resident of Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves). She was a project developer for the Kaneki Corporation.
Name | Mikazuki Amaashi |
First Appearance in Anime | Boruto Episode 155: Mitsuki’s Rainy Day (Mentioned) |
Japanese Voice Actor | NA |
English Voice Actor | NA |
Birthdate | Unknown |
Gender | Female |
Status | Deceased |
Affiliation | Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves)Kaneki Corporation |
Team | NA |
Clan | Amaashi Clan |
The details of Mikazuki's past are rather mysterious as very little is known about her upbringing or her skills. In the anime, she was only mentioned and never made any appearances. Additionally, she is just a part of the Boruto anime and does not appear or receive any mentions in the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga, making her a non-canon, filler character in the series.
Mikazuki made her anime debut, albeit mentioned, in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations in episode 222, "Mitsuki’s Rainy Day." In the episode, it was revealed that Mikazuki was a project developer employed at the famed Kaneki Corporation and working on a project at the corporation’s chemical plant. She was a skilled developer and considering the risks involved in her work, was very cautious by nature.
Despite her repetitive warnings, her superiors forced her to proceed with a dangerous project. Unfortunately for her, her suspicions came true and the project caused a huge explosion, engulfing everything in its range. Mikazuki and many others lost their lives in this explosion. To save their own skin, Mikazuki’s superiors blamed Mikazuki for the explosion and the death of many others, herself included, and avoided investigation.
Samidare Amaashi, Mikazuki’s brother, sensed something was wrong and full-heartedly believed in his sister. He chose the path of violence to kill the people who framed his sister and get his revenge. In the end, he was able to uncover the truth behind her sister’s death and exposed Kaneki, the president of Kaneki Corporation and mastermind behind the operation. Kaneki was arrested for his crimes and the investigation of the explosion was reopened.
Mikazuki's appearance was quite limited, hence not much is known about her or her character. Based on the information available, Mikazuki was dedicated to her work and was very cautious by nature.
Mikazuki was only mentioned in the series and never made any visual appearances. Thus, any information about her appearance is not available.
Based on the information at hand, Mikazuki was a project developer and did not possess any combat abilities.
A. Mikazuki Amaashi was a resident of Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves). She was a project developer for the Kaneki Corporation.
A. Samidare Amaashi is a serial killer, also known as the Rain Killer in the Boruto anime.
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