Teo is a fictional character in the popular manga and anime adaptation of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations series, which is written by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto.
Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Teo and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.
Teo is a thief hailing from the Land of Fire. He is a Boruto series character and first appeared in Boruto episode 113, titled “The Qualities of a Captain”
Name | Teo |
First Appearance in Anime | Boruto Episode 113: The Qualities of a Captain |
Japanese Voice Actor | Teokun |
English Voice Actor | Unknown |
Birthdate | Unknown |
Sex | Male |
Status | Alive |
Affiliation | Land of Fire |
Team | NA |
Clan | Unknown |
The details of Teo's past are rather mysterious as very little is known about his upbringing. Additionally, he is just a part of the Boruto anime and does not appear or receive any mentions in the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga, making him an anime-only character.
Teo made his anime debut in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations in episode 113, "The Qualities of a Captain." In the episode, Teo was introduced as a thief. Teo and his companions went on a search to locate and acquire the Gekkoran flower, a medicinal flower capable of saving many lives. When they failed in their task, they targeted Tonsuke, a pig, the only one capable of finding the flower.
They attacked Shikadi Nara’s group, consisting of Boruto Uzumaki, Wasabi Izuno, Iwabee Yuino, and himself. Although Teo and his group were beaten up, they managed to injure Shikadai and abducted Tonsuke, and managed to escape. However, even after abducting Tonsuke, they were unsuccessful in finding the flower as the piglet was hungry and couldn’t locate it. Later, Shikadai and his team members caught up with them and tied them up. After facing defeat, they were forced to give Tonsuke up and failed in achieving their goal.
Teo is a thief by profession and a very violent one at that, He is also very greedy as he was eager to earn some quick money by finding the Gekkoran flower as it fetches a high price in the black market. However, he is also a coward as he easily gave up after he was confronted by stronger opponents.
Teo is a man with short brown hair, black eyes, and average height. He is dressed in jeans, sandals, a brown pullover with a lighter brown patch on his belly, and a pair of glasses.
Teo is a low-time thief and does not possess many combat skills. He seemed unable to engage in battle as he uses traps to trick his opponents, with which he was able to injure Shikadai.
A. Teo is a thief hailing from the Land of Fire. He is a Boruto series character and first appeared in Boruto episode 113, titled “The Qualities of a Captain”
A. Jin is a thief hailing from the Land of Fire.
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