Isago (anime) is the daughter of Gojo and lives in the Land of Wind. She is one of the characters in Boruto: The Next Generation, a Japanese manga series written by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto.
Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Isago and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.
Name | Isago |
First Appearance in Anime | Boruto Episode: 120 |
Gender | Female |
Japanese Voice Actor | Yuki Kuwahara |
English Voice Actor | Cristina Vee |
Status | Alive |
Village | The Land of Wind |
Isago is the one who rescued Boruto Uzumaki when he fainted on a railway track in the Land of Wind.
Isago brought Boruto to her house and the next day, when Boruto asked where they were, she told him that it was in the Land of Wind and she lives with her dad (Gojo), who really doesn’t like shinobi. She asked Boruto to leave as soon as possible. While he was waiting for the next morning, he played cards with Isago.
The next day when thugs came to Gojo’s house and captured Isago, Boruto rescued her and because of that, Gojo gave him a trolley to reach the next station.
When Shinki and Boruto came back to Isago's house to use the transmitter, they saw that the house was destroyed and Isago was trying to remove debris from on top of her father.
Boruto and Shinki help her to remove the debris and then they try to look for a path to reach Konohagakure (the Village hidden in the Leaves), so they can save Shikaku from Urashiki Otsutsuki. Gojo told them a secret way to reach Konoha.
Isago is friendly and kind. She is also brave and loves her father a lot. She does not share his hatred for shinobi.
Isago has short brown hair and purple eyes. She wears a sleeveless pink kimono and bandages around her legs and arms.
A. Isago is from the Land of Wind.
A. Gojo is Isago’s father.
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