Rock Lee is a beloved fictional character from the fan-favorite manga and its anime adaptation, the Naruto series, written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. After Naruto Shippuden, Lee fathers a child named Metal Lee but the information related to who he gets married to is not available.
In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Rock Lee plays the role of a jonin of the Village Hidden by the Leaves. He also serves as a proctor in the Chunin Exams hosted by the Hidden Leaf Village.
In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, fans get to see their beloved characters living their adult life and fulfilling the role of a parent. A lot of young shinobi are introduced in the series, most of them are the offsprings of our beloved character from the original Naruto series.
Although the information regarding the life partners of most of the original characters is available. Information regarding Rock Lee’s wife and the mother of his son, Rock Lee, is still shrouded in mystery. Not even her name is mentioned in the series.
There are multiple fan theories as to who could be his wife. One of the most popular theories suggests that Lee married his former teammate from Team Guy, Tenten. This theory is based on the premise that the information regarding the love life of either of those is not available and their love life is a subject shrouded with mystery.
This theory also points out that Metal Lee’s eyes resemble a combination of Rock Lee and Tenten’s eye shapes. When all is said and done, these are just fan theories and speculations with no concrete proof. Until we get further information on the matter from the series, who Rock Lee marries shall remain a mystery.
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