Simeon Yetarian is a supporting character in GTA V.
He is the owner of Premium Deluxe Motorsport in Los Santos and is the man who repossesses cars after selling them to people who cannot afford them.
Name | Simeon Yetarian |
Voice Actor | Demosthenes Chrysan |
Gender | Male |
Status | Alive |
Nationality | Armenian |
Family | Sacha Yetarian (Nephew) |
Home | Los Santos |
Businesses | Premium Deluxe Motorsport |
Affiliations | Franklin ClintonLamar Davis |
Phone | 6115550120 |
Appearance(s) | GTA VGTA Online |
Simeon Yetarian owns a car dealership in Los Santos called Premium deluxe Motorsport. He is of Armenian origin and sells cars to people who cannot afford them so that he can repossess them via finance schemes and other unethical methods. He uses the fact that he is of Armenian origin against everyone who goes against him to call them racist.
Before the events of GTA V, at some point Simeon Yetarian employed Franklin Clinton and Lamar Davis to repossess vehicles that he sold to people who cannot afford them. He then sends Franklin and Lamar to repossess a bagger from a Vagos-controlled area. A shootout takes place during this repo job and Franklin and Lamar get away after which Lamar keeps the bike for himself. Franklin returns to the showroom where Simeon accuses him of stealing the bike. He then puts him on another job of repossessing the yellow Beejay XL bought by Jimmy De Santa from the De Santa residence in Rockford Hills.
While Franklin was driving the car back to the showroom, Michael De Santa had been hiding in the backseat. He comes out pointing a gun at Franklin asking him to drive straight through the front doors of the showroom for some cash. Michael pays him and then deals with Simeon, warning him not to mess with him or his family again and assaults him. Franklin and Lamar get fired after this.
Simeon also appears for one last time in a random event which can be triggered at any time between the missions Friend Request and Mr. Philips. It can be triggered as either Michael or Franklin. When the player enters the shop, Simeon’s guards will turn hostile towards the player and attack them. After taking the guards out, Simeon can either be killed or spared, however the canon ending to this is to spare him.
Simeon Yetarian is seen wearing different colored shirts with every appearance he makes with the same black jeans and a brown belt. He has hazel eyes and wears a gold chain around his neck. He is bald from the top with hair only at the sides and back of his head and has a french beard.
Franklin and Lamar
Father/Son (Post-mission phone call)
Random Event - Simeon Yetarian
Sometimes after completing the mission Friend Request, the Premium Deluxe Motorsport will be open, but Simeon will not be there to start his Random Event. If this happens, complete one more mission and go back there and the random event should be triggered.
According to the Rush Casting Call, Simeon's beta name was Harut Vartanyan.
Simeon once went on a date with a woman named Barbara Watkins, and though he enjoyed it, Barbara presumably did not, as she sends him a message on Lifeinvader telling him to stop texting her, and that she never wants to see him again.
It is very likely that Simeon has connections to the Armenian Mafia, especially since the Random Event involving him at his shop features two guards that are possibly Armenian mobsters and match character models found at Rogers Salvage and Scrap.
A. Simeon Yetarian is a supporting character in GTA V. He is the owner of Premium Deluxe Motorsport in Los Santos and is the man who repossesses cars after selling them to people who cannot afford them.
A. The Simeon Yetarian random event can be triggered at any time between the missions Friend Request and Mr. Philips while playing as Michael De Santa or Franklin Clinton. The player has to simply visit the Premium deluxe Motorsport showroom.
A. Simeon Yetarian in GTA 5 is of Armenian origin.
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