One Piece is a story revolving around Monkey D. Luffy, a pirate who sails over the Grand Line with his pirate crew in search of adventure, with a dream to find the One Piece and become the next King of the Pirates. It takes place in The Great Pirate Era when numerous pirates set sail in search of the One Piece. Ships are the main and very common mode of transport in the ocean world of One Piece.
In the series, most of the ships are based on the classic sail design. There are a wide range of spectacular and amazing ships ranging in size from a massive island to tiny one-man ships. In the anime, the vast variety of ships consists of:
In the One Piece World, ships are also categorized by the profession and status of their sailors, for example, a ship used by pirates and carrying a Jolly Roger flag is identified as a Pirate Ship. The classification of ships used in the anime are:
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