One Piece is an ongoing manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It first hit the market in July 1997 and it hasn’t looked back since. With its amazing world-building and a vast variety of distinctive characters, it became a fan favorite and dominated the market. Soon, it got an anime adaptation and its first episode premiered on 20 October 1999 on Fuji TV, released by Toei Animation.
One Piece follows the story of Monkey D. Luffy, who became a pirate like his childhood hero, Red-Haired Shanks. It all started when Gol D. Roger, the King of the Pirates, revealed the existence of the One Piece in his final words and marked the beginning of TheGreat Pirate Era. Luffy ate the Gum-Gum Fruit and became a rubber-man. After he turned 17, Luffy embarked on a journey in search of adventures in pursuit of the One Piece to become the next King of the Pirates. Luffy made friends along the way and recruited them into his pirate crew. He soon gained the nickname, Straw Hat Luffy, and his pirate crew became known as the Straw Hat Pirates.
Soon after the One Piece manga hit the shelves, it caught everyone’s attention with its intriguing storyline and peculiar characters. Its popularity was so huge that it sold out as soon as it hit the shelves and dominated the market. Its success was so overwhelming that it affected the sales of other manga series. Based on this, it gained a position in the Big Three in its community. One Piece is the 21st longest manga series by volume count with over 1000 chapters and 103 tankobon volumes as of August 2022 with regular and continuous updates.
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