Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist of the series, learned the formidable power, known as Haki in the time skip of the series. The time skip in the One Piece series comes between chapters 597-598 in the manga and chapters 597-598 in the manga and in between episodes 516-517 in the anime adaptation of this popular series.
In the One Piece series, the time skip refers to the two years that the Straw Hat Pirates spent separated while training in their respective crafts on different islands. The time skip occurred after the war at Marine Ford. Luffy and the rest of the crew separately spent two years training to prepare themselves for the New World.
Although the One Piece world is filled with strange and intriguing prowess and fighting abilities, Haki is undoubtedly one of the most potent and impressive powers. After the Marine Ford War, Luffy spent these 2 years training on the island of Rusukaina under the tutelage of The Dark King, Silvers Rayleigh, and learned how to utilize all three Haki, the Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and the formidable Conquerors Haki.
Although Luffy is one of the few individuals who possess the Conqueror Haki and even used it on several occasions, he was not aware of its existence. Rayleigh trained Luffy and taught him how to utilize this formidable dormant power of his. Along with this, Luffy also learned about Armament Haki and Observation Haki and mastered them through sheer training in these two years. With this, Luffy became one of the few individuals who possess all three kinds of Haki, a skill that only a handful of people ever achieved.
Everyone in the One Piece world can master Observation Haki and Armament Haki through rigorous training, but that is not the case for Conqueror Haki. Conqueror Haki is something someone is born with, which is approximately one in a million. Since his birth, Luffy possessed this formidable power, the Will of a Conqueror.
Despite popular belief, Luffy has been using his Conqueror Haki long before the war at Marineford. The fans got the first visual representation of Luffy’s Conqueror Haki in episode 389 of the anime. In this episode, Luffy used his Haki for the first time against Motobaro in a fight against Iron Mask Duval.
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