One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a pirate who sails on the Grand Line for the sake of adventure and to find the One Piece, with the goal of becoming the next King of the Pirates. One of the reasons behind One Piece’s colossal success is its astonishing world-building. The fans of the series get to tag along with their favorite pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, and experience the vast One Piece universe filled with unique locations, and islands with unique characters.
Here is a list of all the major locations and islands, be it canon or non-canon, that have appeared or been mentioned in the series so far:
The moon is also called Fairy Vearth.
These are the locations that have not been positively identified because they were just mentioned or appeared in flashbacks.
These are the islands, countries, cities, and villages that are only featured in filler arcs, TV specials, movies, and video games and not in the manga and thus, are non-canon.
These are all the islands, locations, and cities that have appeared in the manga or its anime adaptation so far. This list contains all the major locations in the series and also includes non-canon locations.
Stay tuned for future updates…
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