The Kage Kage no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that transforms its user into a Ruler of Shadows, granting them the ability to manifest and manipulate the shadows of living beings, including their own. The user has the ability to take other living beings’ shadows and place them in various bodies, either dead or alive, which later enables the creation of zombies.
The fruit was consumed by one of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gecko Moria. Its powers were first revealed when Brook first encountered the Straw Hats. Later, they were intensely demonstrated during the Thriller Bark Saga/Arc.
Name | Kage Kage no Mi |
English Name and Meaning | Shadow-Shadow Fruit |
Fruit Debut | NA |
Usage Debut | One Piece Episode 338 |
Type | Paramecia |
Current User | Gecko Moria |
At some point in the past, Gecko Moria consumed the Kage Kage no Mi (Shadow-Shadow) Devil Fruit.
The Kage Kage no Mi is a circular, pure black fruit with a green stem and swirl designs all around it, just like most Devil Fruits. On one side, it also has leaves that resemble onions and appear like the collar of a cape.
The fruit’s main ability is that the user can transform shadows into a concrete, tangible shape. From birth to death, the shadow follows its owner’s soul and cannot be altered; but, this Devil Fruit gives the user the ability to do so. The user has the ability to get hold of their victim’s shadow and cut it off them using scissors as though it were tape.
The user can transfer a shadow into a dead body after removing it from a host to produce an obedient zombie minion. The size of the corpse does not need to be similar to that of the shadow in order to bring it back to life. All of the user’s skills and some of their personality quirks are transferred to the newly created minion. But the strength of the minion depends on the body it is made of.
Moria has shown that the fruit’s power is particularly helpful in combat situations where there are many people to steal shadows from and lots of bodies to easily turn into zombies. Also, the minion does not independently acquire any Devil Fruit abilities from the original owner of the shadow. However, the Kage Kage no Mi user can alter the shadow of the minion to give its body the appearance of having the same abilities as some Paramecia Devil Fruits.
Once the shadow is detached from them, the original owner of the shadow will go into a coma that lasts for two days. As the original owner is utterly helpless until they awaken from their coma or are woken up, the Devil Fruit user can take advantage of this side effect in combat. The original owner of the shadow must stay in the shadows because sunshine will cause them to disappear. The original owner is unable to exist in light, as a result, cannot be photographed, nor can they create any kind of reflection.
It should be noted that while exposure to daylight after having one’s shadow taken usually results in instant death, victims who have had their shadows taken for some time can actually tolerate the sunlight a little longer than those who have just had their shadows taken.
Additionally, the user has complete power over whether or not the shadow returns to their rightful owners; simply defeating the user or even killing them will not cause the user’s stolen shadows to be returned. A shadow cannot be entirely restored to its owner unless the user intentionally states that it should. However, this is contradicted by the fact that shadows can be returned to their owners by purifying or eliminating the zombies that are being animated by them.
The user can even physically materialize their own shadow, which takes on a semi-liquid form. They can then exert control over their shadow and make it battle alongside them. As a physical manifestation, their shadow is a being with strength similar to that of a Logia Devil Fruit user because their shadow is immune to harm in that condition. It can also alter the size and shape in accordance with the needs of the user. The user has the option to move around by changing places with their shadow. Due to the shadow’s immunity to harm, the moment the user switches places with their shadow can also be used to deflect attacks, as the shadow is invulnerable to harm.
The fruit’s ability to allow the user to implant the shadows they gave their zombie minions into themselves gives it its greatest power. If the user takes in enough shadows, the power boost can be deadly and eventually lead to the user becoming noticeably larger.
Since the user usually relies on shadows to be able to use their powers, an opponent can fully stop the fruit’s functionality and leave them helpless by denying them access to shadows, including their own.
Another weakness is that a shadow can be returned to its owner without the user’s explicit command. The shadow will return to its original owner if a zombie given a shadow by the power of this fruit is fed salt since salt is an element of the sea (sea water), which weakens Devil Fruit users. However, the amount of salt needed to extract a shadow from a zombie is proportional to the size of said zombie.
A fish-man can pose a great threat to the user, especially one who is excellent at controlling sea water. Additionally, because their shadows vanish once they die, Moria cannot simply kill his victims to stop them from attempting to recover their shadows afterwards.
Additionally, the user can only fully command minions whose owners are comparatively stronger than them, because the minions with shadows from relatively powerful owners are more difficult to control. No matter how powerful the shadow is, it will eventually lose all memory of its first owner and submit fully to the user. Even after being entirely compliant, the minions may still maintain some of the shadow’s instilled mannerisms, usually negative ones that limit their usefulness.
A zombie can occasionally become disobedient and even summon part of its previous humanity from when it was alive. The minions can also be too obedient for their own good, and immediately withdraw from the conflict. In some cases, a specific command would make a created zombie put that command before their loyalty to Moria.
The ability of the user’s powers to release shadows that can be used against them is another significant drawback of the fruit. After a zombie minion is purified, the shadow that is released can be captured by anyone and placed into oneself or an ally (because it is still momentarily in a physical state until fully rejoined with its original owner). If the subject is still awake, they will develop the skills of the original owner of the shadow and become stronger. Also, more than one shadow can be implanted inside them, boosting their power by the quantity of shadows.
The shadow, however, will only remain in the body of a living person for 10 minutes because it is not of the same soul. The shadow will then go back to its original owner. The strength of a person’s spirit can also have some influence on how many shadows can be implanted into them. The effect of the shadows will be lost if the person’s spirit is weak since they will pass out and lose consciousness.
The maximum number of shadows that a typical person can hold is two or three, but strong-willed persons can hold more than that and can even change into a far more powerful form, depending on how many shadows they are able to absorb. Particularly, Monkey D. Luffy, who changed into the hulk known as Nightmare Luffy, was able to retain 100 shadows in his body. Even though Moria was able to hold 1,000 shadows, it put a significant strain on him and slowed him down. In addition, the shadows continued to leak out anytime he was struck and went back to their owners regardless of his instructions. Moria actually believed that Luffy’s new form was the result of shape-shifting powers when Luffy, in Nightmare mode, came out to confront Moria, not realizing his part that led to Lufft becoming that strong until much later. Also, the user appears to have no way of keeping track of the shadows that they extract from their victims.
Furthermore, if the user is using other shadows to empower themselves, hitting them hard enough to open their mouth could cause the shadows to flee and return to their rightful owners. By covering their mouths with their hands, the user can prevent this to some extent, but this is only a short-term fix.
Because the power greatly depends on the might of others, the user can eventually become weaker as a result of becoming overly dependent on their subordinates in battle and becoming lazy. Moria asserted that his zombie army would enable him to become the Pirate King. Also, while Doppelman automatically protects the user from attacks, it can be tricked and cannot react to an ambush or surprise attack.
Apart from these, the user is vulnerable to the standard Devil Fruit flaws.
In Thriller Bark, Moria mainly used the fruit’s bestowed powers to produce a large number of zombies. He has used it to take a variety of shadows from anyone who unfortunately comes across his island. Moria has been able to produce a large army of the dead thanks to Hogback’s surgical prowess in the creation of various creatures and a massive freezer packed with tons of corpses.
Moria can also materialize his shadow into a shadowy, semi-liquid form that resembles himself, allowing him to use his abilities in conflict in a way that suits his specific guiding principle. This being can divide itself into smaller bat-like shapes and is resistant to conventional attacks. Moria mainly uses his shadows to attack enemies and defend himself while remaining undetected.
Moria has the ability to transform into his own shadow in order to go farther or flee from an enemy attack. He can also assist his zombie minions in the execution of some of his methods by implanting his shadow into theirs because the shadows animating them do not pass on Devil Fruit abilities to them.
The greatest skill Moria has is the ability to energize himself with the shadows he uses to animate his zombie minions and absorb their strength and expertise via absorbing into his own body. A person who had a shadow infused into them would also experience similar effects (one initial side-effect is a darkening of color around their eyes), and the more shadows they absorb, the more power they amass; however, the amount of shadows that they can absorb at any one time depends entirely on their willpower. A person's body will take on a different appearance if they take in multiple shadows at once, which frequently results in their growth in size to gigantic proportions.
Moria has demonstrated the following abilities using his Devil Fruit powers:
In this technique, Moria creates his own shadow which identifies as the mysterious silhouette. He achieves this by summoning the Devil Fruit within his own shadow, which causes him to rise from any surface upon which his body is being molded and transform into a three-dimensional moving state. This battle is known as “Clone of Shadows” in Moria. Doppelman is the finest defense against the majority of attacks because he is immortal, immediately regenerates, and can assume several forms.
This is the shadow extracting technique of Moria. Once a light source makes the victim’s shadow appear on the ground, Moria pulls it up like tape. He then uses his scissors to cut them. Moria can now use this new shadow in a variety of ways, like implanting it into a zombie corpse to create a new zombie soldier or implanting it in himself to become stronger. Soon after, the person will enter a coma. The shadow that the victim formerly cast won’t exist anymore. Also, without a shadow, the user cannot step outside because the sun will melt them.
In this technique, it is incredibly difficult to hit Doppelman since Moria can switch places with him at any time, practicing a kind of teleportation.
In this technique, Moria changes Doppelman into a plethora of balls that, when combined, can assault an enemy as a swarm of bats. Because the bats are so little, numerous, and unkillable, this attack is incredibly challenging to defend against or avoid, and the persistent annoyance can soon wear down opponents. The bats can combine after being used to recreate Doppelman.
In this technique, Moria implants his shadow inside that of his target. By doing so, he is able to control the target’s shadow’s shape, and the victim’s body will also change as the shadow’s shape is changed. Moria is able to achieve this because shadows always conform to the body that casts them and because of this, the body and the shadow always have the same shape. His abilities cause the shadow of the body to change shape, forcing the body to conform to it.
Since the body is now altering to meet the shape of the shadow it is casting, it is effectively the opposite of how a shadow would normally change shape to match the body casting it. The same rule applies to Moria, who is able to randomly alter an object’s form by implanting its shadow within an object’s shadow.
In this technique, Moria transforms Oars into a massive ball and applies Kage Kekumei to his shadow to crush his enemies.
In this technique, Moria strengthens himself using this additional yet powerful technique by absorbing the shadows he has taken. As a result, he grows bigger and stronger in proportion to how many shadows he has taken in.
Moria demonstrated this technique on Thriller Bark by absorbing 1,000 shadows into himself and using his own shadow to impale and eliminate the shadows of his zombie minions. The abundance of shadows gave him the strength to split Thriller Bark in half with a single blow and enlarged his body to rival that of Oars.
Moria’s neck swells to an enormous size in this form, much like a gecko’s throat does when it feels threatened. He also has longer horns and spiky hair. His arms grow large as well. His legs grow from their stubby appearance to becoming longer. He has to walk on all fours because of the dimensions of his body in this shape.
The disadvantage of this strategy is that Moria loses speed while gaining bulk, and struggles to control a lot of shadows inside his body. If hit hard enough, he also has a tendency to spill a small number of shadows. Once the shadows are released and go back to their respective owners, Moria’s overall size and power reduces.
It has been stated that this technique is more of a last resort than a trump card. In the anime, when absorbing the shadows, he emits a green aura and speaks with a deep, distorted voice. The name of this method is derived from Asgard, the city of gods in Norse mythology.
In this technique, Moria transforms his shadow, which was already vast due to the upgrade from Shadow’s Asgard, into a number of Brick Bats, which he then uses to totally encase an opponent in a black box formed of solidified shadows. Moria constantly uses his hands or feet to crush his opponent while they are enclosed in the box.
In this technique, Moria gathers his shadows into a spear, the point of which resembles a horned reptile, and fires it at his opponent. The term for the technique is a homophone of the Japanese name for the aforementioned lizard, “tsunotokage.”
Some of Moria’s victims have also used the fruit’s abilities against him without his consent. These victims found out how to use the fruit’s power to materialize shadows for their own gain. They discovered over time that they could take purified shadows from Moria’s zombie minions and implant the acquired shadows into themselves to temporarily inherit the abilities of the shadow while desperately striving to reclaim their own shadows. Using this information, they transformed Luffy into Nightmare Luffy by giving him a hundred shadows.
Nightmare Luffy was Luffy’s form after being substantially enhanced by having 100 shadows implanted within him. When most people could only hold two or three shadows inside of them, Luffy was able to hold 100 because of his strong spirit. Luffy’s skin turned totally blue when he was in this state, which was far larger than his regular size. He had a body that resembled Chopper in Heavy Point and was around the same size as Moria. He also changed the way he spoke, abandoning his often carefree tone in favor of one of grim seriousness.
As a result of having the Gomu Gomu no Mi, Luffy can extend his fists to extend their reach and attack momentum. All of his standard methods gain additional power from the 100 shadows, which is sufficient to overpower Oars.
Luffy could make use of the combined power and abilities of the shadows he carried while in this form. With his power, Luffy used one hand to block an enormous Gomu Gomu no Rifle attack from Oars and then launch powerful attacks at the zombie monster.
He could also travel at great speeds. Since one of his shadows belonged to a swordsman, Luffy also learned how to use a sword, which was a skill he never had before.
The shadows within Luffy only retained this form for ten minutes before changing back to their original forms.
Luffy has demonstrated the following techniques after having 100 shadows within him:
Luffy’s trademark move is a simple punch enhanced by his elastic stretching abilities. It gains much more strength as Nightmare Luffy.
One of Luffy’s more powerful attacks; after expanding and twisting his body, Luffy harnesses the momentum of untwisting and exhaling to unleash a strong barrage of fists upward. As Nightmare Luffy, he uses a variant of this move by propelling himself backward and attacking his enemy with a barrage of fists that are all significantly stronger than those of his regular form.
In the video game Unlimited Cruise, Luffy has shown off other skills in addition to those from the anime and manga. These skills include the ability to blast off many flaming arrows at a great distance with a longbow, as well as the ability to breathe three fireballs horizontally after consuming some liquid from a calabash.
Also, the game added more detail to the abilities he has shown in the manga and anime, such as performing a nodachi by leaping up and slicing opponents with a downward motion, and his fast movements are reminiscent of Soru. His Gomu Gomu no Storm involves him leaping upwards while inhaling and twisting before firing the barrage downwards, while his Gomu Gomu no Pistol entails rotating his hand in a circle before launching it to enhance momentum.
Nightmare Luffy makes an appearance as a support character in the video game Gigant Battle. When the main character summons him to attack, he will arrive and then depart. If Luffy is the main fighter, he will switch into Nightmare Luffy to attack before resuming his normal form.
One Piece Green: Secret Pieces revealed Nightmare Luffy’s early jokes. One of them resembled a “polite and serious” Freddy Krueger from the “Nightmare on Elm Street” series, while the other was more like a “polite and serious” Luffy. None of them appear to be as bulky as the finished product.
A. The Kage Kage no Mi is Shadow-Shadow Fruit in English.
A. One of the former Warlords, Gecko Moria, consumed the Kage Kage no Mi.
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