Risky Red Island is a fictional location in the popular manga and its anime adaptation, the One Piece series, written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.
Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Risky Red Island and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.
Risky Red Island is one of the three islands in the New World one can go to after crossing Fish-Man Island.
Name | Risky Red Island |
First Appearance | Volume 66 Chapter 655: Punk Hazard (Mentioned) |
Region | New World |
Affiliates | Unknown |
Risky Red Island is one of the first islands in the New World. It is one of three islands that one of the needles on the New World Log Pose points to after leaving Fish-Man Island and entering the New World. Risky Red Island never had a visual appearance. Vice Admiral Smoker only once mentioned it as one of the three possible islands to go to after leaving Fish-Man Island.
The information regarding the inhabitants of Risky Red Island has yet to be made available.
Very little information is available regarding Risky Red Island, and what kind of wildlife it holds is still a mystery.
A. Risky Red Island is one of the three islands in the New World one can go to after crossing Fish-Man Island.
A. Punk Hazard is the first island the Straw Hat Pirates go to after entering the New World. The Punk Hazard Arc takes place primarily on this island.
A. Vice Admiral Smoker, also known as Smoker the White Hunter, is a Marine Officer. At the beginning of the series, he was introduced as a captain-ranked officer of the Marines. After the 2-year time skip, Smoker was promoted to Vice-Admiral and became the Commander of G-5 Marine Base.
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