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Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece

Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece.
Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece. Still from the anime.

Rocks D. Xebec is a fictional character in the popular manga and its anime adaptation, the One Piece series, written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.

Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Rocks D. Xebec and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.

Rocks D. Xebec, commonly referred to as Rocks, commanded and led the fearsome Rocks Pirates, a notorious crew that struck fear into the hearts of many during a significant era four decades ago. At that time, before Gol D. Roger rose to power as the Pirate King, Rocks stood as a prominent figure within the pirate world.

With his charismatic presence and overwhelming ambition, Rocks amassed a formidable crew of skilled and ruthless individuals. Under his leadership, the Rocks Pirates embarked on audacious and daring exploits, wreaking havoc upon the seas and challenging the authority of the World Government and the Marine forces.

However, Rocks' reign of terror was eventually challenged by an unexpected alliance between two legendary figures: Monkey D. Garp, a renowned and revered Marine Vice Admiral, and Gol D. Roger, who would later become the legendary Pirate King. Recognizing the immense threat posed by Rocks and his crew, Garp and Roger put aside their differences and joined forces to confront this common enemy.

In the end, through their unwavering determination and coordination, Garp and Roger managed to overcome the seemingly indomitable Rocks.

The significance of this victory could not be overstated. Garp's role in the defeat of Rocks earned him the distinguished title "The Hero of the Marines," solidifying his reputation as a legendary Marine officer. Meanwhile, Gol D. Roger's involvement in this momentous event further propelled his rise to prominence, eventually leading him to become the Pirate King.

All About Rocks D. Xebec


Rocks D. Xebec

First Appearance in Anime

One Piece Episode 958: A Legendary Battle! Garp and Roger

Japanese Voice Actor


English Voice Actor







Rocks Pirates


Pirate Captain



Devil Fruit




Rocks D. Xebec’s History

More than 44 years ago, Rocks and a group of aspiring pirates gathered on the island of Hachinosu, driven by their ambitions for fame and fortune. It was during this meeting that Rocks emerged as the leader of this collective, naming them the Rocks Pirates, and setting them on a path of chaos and destruction with the audacious goal of world domination.

Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Approximately 38 years prior to the present timeline, Rocks orchestrated a perilous mission that posed a direct threat to the revered World Nobles and their enslaved population. The fateful encounter took place at God Valley, where the Rocks Pirates found themselves confronted by a united front comprising Monkey D. Garp and Gol D. Roger, who had formed an unprecedented alliance.

A colossal battle of immense proportions erupted, ultimately resulting in the disbandment of the notorious crew. According to Sengoku, the former Fleet Admiral of the Marines, Rocks is believed to no longer be alive.


Remarkably, many of Rocks' subordinates would go on to achieve great notoriety and power within the pirate world. Most notably, Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, Charlotte Linlin, better recognized as Big Mom, and Kaidou, later acclaimed as one of the Four Emperors ruling over the treacherous seas of the New World.

Another prominent member, Shiki, became an infamous pirate known for his repeated clashes with the Roger Pirates and his notable escape from the impregnable confines of Impel Down. Additionally, Captain John, a former comrade of Rocks, managed to amass a legendary treasure that became the stuff of legends.

However, despite the significant impact of Rocks and his crew during their era, the passage of time has considerably diminished his place in history. Many younger Marines remain oblivious to his existence, largely due to the deliberate intervention of the World Government. Rocks' pursuits veered into forbidden territories, prompting the authorities to suppress information and restrict knowledge about him.

Furthermore, the lack of camaraderie and unity within the Rocks Pirates meant that few of his former subordinates were inclined to openly share details about their time under his command.

The dreams of world domination that fueled Rocks would unexpectedly resurface 38 years after his demise. Two of his former subordinates, Kaidou and Linlin, set aside their enmity and formed a temporary alliance, driven by a shared desire to conquer the world.

However, this rekindled ambition swiftly crumbled as both Linlin and Kaidou met defeat, ultimately leading to their removal from their esteemed positions among the Four Emperors.

Rocks D. Xebec’s Personality

Rocks was an individual known for his terrifying brutality and insatiable ambition, driven by a relentless pursuit of power. Indifferent to the consequences, he would launch attacks against anyone who dared stand in his way, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in his wake. His cruelty knew no bounds, as evidenced by his willingness to kill both World Nobles and their enslaved population if it furthered his own desires.

Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

What set Rocks apart was his unwavering fearlessness and absolute ruthlessness. He possessed an unyielding determination to achieve his ultimate dream of becoming the King of the World, an aspiration that knew no bounds. To realize this goal, Rocks embarked on a rampage, assaulting numerous locations and instigating widespread devastation as a means to establish his dominance and subjugate all who opposed him.

Moreover, Rocks harbored an insatiable curiosity that extended beyond his thirst for power. He delved into subjects that the enigmatic World Government had deliberately concealed, showing a relentless desire to uncover the hidden truths and forbidden knowledge that lay beyond the reach of ordinary individuals. His relentless pursuit of these forbidden subjects only served to deepen the mystery surrounding his character and further fuel his unquenchable thirst for supremacy.

It was this unbridled ambition, indiscriminate ruthlessness, and insatiable curiosity that propelled Rocks into infamy, making him a feared and formidable figure within the world of piracy. His actions and disregard for conventional boundaries garnered him a reputation as an individual who would stop at nothing to achieve his grand vision, forever leaving a mark on the pages of history.

Rocks D. Xebec’s Appearance

During his time, Rocks was a commanding presence with a tall stature, although not as physically imposing as some of his colossal crewmates. His appearance was characterized by a distinct disheveled charm. His long, dark hair formed an untamed mane, with strands jutting out haphazardly in all directions. His slanted eyes added an air of mystery, while his wide, toothy smile hinted at his unpredictable and audacious nature.

Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Rocks was often seen donning his signature outfit, which consisted of a high-collared sailor's coat adorned with fringed epaulets, accentuating his authoritative presence. Completing his ensemble was a buttoned shoulder belt, adding a touch of flair to his distinctive appearance.

Rocks D. Xebec’s Abilities

Rocks was shrouded in mystery when it came to his individual strength and abilities, but his commanding presence and reputation spoke volumes about his power. As the captain of the Rocks Pirates, he presided over a crew comprised of immensely powerful and notorious pirates, despite their clashing personalities and lack of camaraderie. This indicates that Rocks himself was an exceptionally strong and charismatic individual, quite possibly the strongest figure of his time.

The members of his crew would go on to carve their own legacies, with Edward Newgate (Whitebeard), Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom), and Kaidou rising to become formidable Emperors ruling over the perilous New World. Such achievements by his former subordinates highlight the caliber of power that Rocks commanded.

Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

In fact, Rocks was regarded as the most formidable rival to the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, surpassing even his then-subordinate, Whitebeard, who would later become a renowned figure in his own right. The defeat of Rocks required the combined efforts of both Roger and the legendary Marine, Monkey D. Garp, which further attests to his immense strength. This significant encounter led to Garp being revered as the "Hero of the Marines," illustrating the grave threat that Rocks posed to the World Government.

Furthermore, Rocks' reputation as an immensely powerful figure is echoed by Kaidou, who is widely known as the world's "Strongest Creature." Kaidou places Rocks in an elite class alongside only a few other notable individuals such as Kozuki Oden, Shanks, Whitebeard, and Roger, who possess the strength to stand against him in battle. This further emphasizes the formidable might of Rocks.

Beyond his raw strength, Rocks displayed a keen intellect and vast knowledge. He delved into forbidden subjects, unraveling many of the World Government's closely guarded secrets. The government's decision to erase his name from history is a testament to the threat he posed due to his ability to uncover their hidden truths.

During the climactic battle at God Valley, Rocks was seen wielding a sword, showcasing his proficiency in combat and adding another layer to his formidable skill set.

Though much about Rocks remains shrouded in secrecy, the legends and stories that surround him paint a picture of an exceptionally powerful, intelligent, and influential figure in the world of piracy. His legacy as the captain of the Rocks Pirates continues to reverberate throughout history, leaving behind a trail of awe and fear.

Rocks D. Xebec’s Relationships


Rocks D. Xebec did not enjoy respect or loyalty from his subordinates within the crew. He lacked the admiration and trust of his former subordinate, Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom), who considered him untrustworthy and useless.

Additionally, Whitebeard mentioned having negative experiences with Rocks and his crew, indicating a strained relationship.


World Government

As Rocks aspired to become the ruler of the world, he naturally stood in opposition to the existing global governing authority, including the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. His actions, particularly during the God Valley Incident, targeted the World Government and its influential members.

The destructive and anarchic nature of his exploits led the government to view him as a terrorist. Consequently, many of his accomplishments were intentionally omitted from historical records, causing his legacy to fade from public consciousness, except for a few veteran Marines who still remember him.

Monkey D. Garp and Gol D. Roger

Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

During the God Valley Incident, Marine Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp and Gol D. Roger, the captain of the Roger Pirates, formed an unlikely alliance to confront Rocks and his crew.

This significant event is not a fond memory for Garp, as it involved collaborating with a pirate and the fact that the World Government suppressed the involvement of the late pirate king, Roger. However, their combined efforts led to the defeat of Rocks and solidified Garp's reputation as a hero within the Marine ranks.

Did You Know?

  • Rocks is believed to have drawn inspiration for his name from Roche Braziliano, a real-life pirate who spent a considerable time in exile in Brazil, hence the moniker "Rock the Brazilian."

  • The name "Rocks" itself is derived from the type of ship known as a xebec, which was used in Mediterranean trade and sailing.

  • The Empty Throne, occupied by an undisclosed individual, holds significant power as the de facto "King of the World." While it is unclear whether Rocks' quest for world domination involved the Empty Throne or its mysterious occupant, Imu, the connection between his ambitions and the seat of ultimate authority remains a subject of speculation.


Q. Who is Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece?

A.  Rocks D. Xebec, commonly known as Rocks, was the captain of the infamous Rocks Pirates, a powerful and destructive crew that operated approximately 40 years ago in the world of One Piece.

Q. Who defeated Rocks D. Xebec in One Piece?

A.  Rocks D. Xebec was defeated by the joint efforts of Monkey D. Garp, and  Gol D. Roger.

Q. What happened to Rocks D. Xebec's crew after his defeat?

A. Following Rocks' defeat, his crew disbanded. Many of his former subordinates, such as Edward Newgate (Whitebeard), Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom), and Kaidou, went on to establish themselves as powerful figures, with some even becoming Emperors ruling over the New World.
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