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Victoria Cindry in One Piece

Victoria Cindy in One Piece. Still from the anime
Victoria Cindy in One Piece. Still from the anime

Victoria Cindry was a well-known theatrical actress who passed over twelve years ago after falling off the stage. Dr. Hogback was so in love with her that he kidnapped her corpse and used Gecko Moria's abilities to turn her into his own personal zombie servant. She was introduced during the Thriller Bark Arc. She made her appearance in episode 340 of the anime.

All about Victoria Cindry


Victoria Cindry

First Appearance in Anime

One Piece Episode 340

Voice Actors

Noami Shindo (Japanese), Jamie Marchi (English)


4th May






Thriller Bark Pirates, Dr. Hogback


Actress, Soldier Zombie


West Blue

Devil Fruit






Victoria Cindy in One Piece
Still from the anime

Cindry was raised in an aristocratic household and finally rose to fame as a theatre performer and Dr. Hogback eventually became a friend of hers. Cindry confessed to having a fiancé before Hogback asked her to marry him.

She fell from the stage and died shortly after. This prompted Hogback to kidnap her body and use the Devil Fruit abilities of Gecko Moria to transform it into a zombie by implanting the shadow of a maid named Margarita. Cindry has been the surgeon's personal assistant ever since.

Thriller Bark

After Nami, Usopp, and Tony Tony Chopper arrived at the mansion on Thriller Bark, Cindry emerged from a well in front of them, greeted the startled Straw Hat Pirates, and then threw a number of dishes at Usopp. Usopp questioned why she was just aiming for him after seeing this, and then she threw many more dishes at him.

Hogback told the Straw Hats a lie about Cindry once being engaged to a wealthy man before she broke ten of his dishes to test his love and was consequently dumped after she broke them all. Hogback claimed that only Nami and Chopper could enter the mansion and that Usopp was not invited there.

Cindry struck Usopp with one when Hogback introduced himself to the Straw Hats. Cindry took Nami, Usopp, and Chopper inside the mansion while announcing that today was an exception and that three people may enter, leaving Hogback outside. Soon after, Cindry told Nami her bath was ready before serving pudding to Hogback and his friends without plates.

Later that evening, Cindry remarked that she hoped Zombie 741 would fail at the last hurdle as she observed Hogback working on it. In response to Hogback's query about the dinner menu, Cindry startled him by pouring spaghetti soup right over the table. Hogback then watched as Nami, Usopp, and Chopper, who had been observing them from the doorway, were hurled into the room by Ryuma.

Cindry did not respond when Nami informed her that she had been dead for 10 years; instead, Hogback instructed her to help Ryuma fight the Straw Hats. Before Cindry could take any action, Ryuma used Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Giri to knock them unconscious and then asked Cindry to open a nearby route so he could cook his night feast.

Victoria Cindy in One Piece
Still from the anime

Following the capture of Monkey D. Luffy, Cindry followed Hogback to a conference with the other Mysterious Four members. There, she insulted Hogback in the same way she had earlier replied to Absalom's rage about the potential that Hogback may harm Nami. Cindry then watched in silence as Monkey D. Luffy broke out from his steel prison, was quickly apprehended and confined, and then had his shadow severed by Gecko Moria.

Soon after, Cindry went to the huge freezer where the body of Oars was kept with Hogback and the other Mysterious Four. Hogback wished aloud that they had done the same with the shadow animating Cindry so that he could eat meals on plates, which caused Cindry to threaten to break his kneecaps as well before witnessing Oars, now animated by Luffy's shadow, come to life.

This occurred after Moria formed a "past erasure" contract with Luffy's shadow to make it become obedient and lose its memories of its former life. Cindry stayed behind with Hogback and heard the report that the Straw Hats were presently raging around the mansion before alerting Hogback that the Straw Hats had broken out of the freezer and were exploring Thriller Bark.

A little while later, Luffy, Chopper, and Nico Robin, who were looking for Moria, faced Cindry and Hogback. Hogback instructed Cindry to assault Luffy when he tried to move towards the freezer that had formerly held Oars's body; as a result, she threw dishes at Luffy until Robin grabbed her with two arms. Hogback gave Cindry the order to kill Chopper and Robin when Jigoro and Inuppe overcame them.

Cindry started to execute the order until Chopper asked Hogback about his medical ethics. Hogback abruptly kicked Cindry to the ground and instructed her to lick the floor in order to demonstrate the zombies' allegiance; she complied while he told Chopper and Robin about Cindry's background.

Victoria Cindy in One Piece
Still from the anime

Hogback instructed Cindry to murder him and Robin when a furious Chopper requested that he make Cindry stop, which caused her to start using Kaku Zara To. Cindry, however, smashed the remaining dishes over Chopper's head and kicked him repeatedly when he managed to get through the hail of plates and grab her to detain her. Cindry was stunned for long enough for Robin to attempt to feed her salt while Chopper explained how he felt sorry for her since her true self had long since passed away and her body was being controlled by the words of another man.

Jigoro and Inuppe tried to stop Cindry from sobbing, but she found herself powerless to move. Cindry kept crying, Chopper and Robin wondering if this was evidence of her prior will still being in her body while Hogback scolded her for obviously not listening to him. When Oars appeared and crashed through the surrounding walls, Robin was forced to let go of Cindry as she and Hogback fell to the ground below.

Cindry then quickly started moving again and declared that she would kill the Straw Hats, prompting Robin to restrain her with Doce Fleur. Hogback commanded Cindry to assist him as he became trapped by a piece of debris, but Cindry was once again immobile before gazing up at Chopper and Robin and, to their amazement, smiled as she did so. Cindry observed the Straw Hats' last victory over Oars from the house.

The Straw Hat Pirates were eventually eliminated by Moria using Shadow's Asgard, but Cindry lost the shadow that had been inhabiting her body up until that time. Margarita is briefly seen following Moria's destruction, having reclaimed both her shadow and mirror image. What happened to Cindry's body remains unknown.


Victoria Cindy in One Piece
Still from the anime

Despite her fame and appeal, Cindry was a gentle and kind person. Cindry's body had a shadow placed on it after her death, giving it a new personality. As a zombie, Cindry detests plates and wishes they would all disappear from the earth. On occasion, she would blatantly ignore Hogback's orders in an effort to destroy even more plates.

Because of her aversion to dishes, she serves food without them, forcing Hogback and others to eat directly from the table. She has even threatened to harm Hogback physically on at least one occasion after claiming that Moria ought to have forced her shadow to give up its memories of the past so they could communicate with each other.

Hogback describes her as a miserable individual whose aggressive comments never fail to horrify him. Cindry is a disobedient person, yet she nonetheless obeys commands like a zombie and will do everything Hogback asks of her as long as Gecko Moria commands her to.

She even puts up with his physical torture and his demeaning commands to lick the floor. Cindry was able to choose to ignore Hogback's demands to save him and to grin as she had only done in life because her body, even as a zombie, still had part of her original "will" from when she was alive.


Victoria Cindy in One Piece
Still from the anime

Cindry was a tall, slender woman with short, straight-cut blonde hair and a perpetual smile. Depending on the occasion, she would dress more formally for performances and more casually for regular activities like medical appointments. Cindry, as a zombie, still has a lovely look, but her skin is now light blue and she has several stitches all over her body.

With the exception of the moment when she successfully defied Hogback's commands for the first time, her eyes have grown dull and lifeless, and she no longer grins. She has a tattoo of the number 400 on her calf and a web design on the inside of her left thigh. She has a red-orange fur boa draped over her neck and is dressed in a short, black evening gown with matching high-heeled heels.

Victoria Cindry’s abilities, strengths, and fighting style

Victoria Cindy in One Piece
Still from the anime

Cindry thrived as a dancer and actor when she was still alive. Hogback used her corpse to alter her physique, giving her more physical power so that she could compete with Tony Tony Chopper's humanoid form on an equal footing. She's a zombie and can't feel anything.

Victoria Cindry’s special abilities


Cindry uses plates as projectile weapons since her implanted mentality hates plates; when fighting Usopp with them, Cindry showed impressive marksmanship by striking Usopp with 10 plates in quick succession from a distance of several meters.



While Cindry was a working actress, Hogback was an ardent admirer. While she was still alive, he treated her as a patient, and they got along well; Cindry had even joyfully assisted in reattaching a button to Hogback's shirt. Hogback proposed to Cindy after accumulating all the riches and renown he could via his work as a physician.

However, Cindy declined since she was already engaged, which devastated the doctor. Hogback's depression caused him to give up his medical practice after learning that Cindry had perished in an accident. Hogback dug up Cindry's body and had Moria animate it with a shadow after joining forces with Moria.

Hogback, however, showed that he just superficially cared for her physical attractiveness and had no use for the personality that rejected him when her restored body was given a different personality than when she was alive. Despite the zombie Cindry becoming Hogback's personal servant ever then, the two often have a comic yet adversarial relationship, with Cindry poking fun at Hogback's love life or delivering him meals right onto the table without a dish.

When things get more serious, Hogback still has primary control over her, immediately following Moria's, and she submits to his every demand. Hogback kicked her down and forced her to lick the floor to make a point, showing that he was not beyond mistreating her despite his professed "love" for her.

It also showed how little he cared for her even as a servant when he told her to sacrifice herself to buy him time to go and said that he would just give her another shadow thereafter. Cindry didn't comply with Hogback's instruction to save him until Chopper's explanation of what it meant to be a human finally made an impression on her.

Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper tried desperately to convince Cindry to regain her humanity despite the blows she delivered him, eventually having Robin try to feed her salt so she could rest in peace once more.

He felt pity for her because of how her relatives would feel if they knew that Hogback was insulting Cindry's memory as a living person with his blasphemous practices. Hogback's command for Cindry to humiliate herself in order to demonstrate her loyalty only infuriated Chopper further.

Victoria Cindry’s Top fights

Cindry and Hogback vs. Nico Robin and Tony Tony Chopper


Q. Who is Victoria Cindry?

A. Victoria Cindry was a well-known theatrical actress who dies over twelve years ago after falling off the stage.

Q. Does Victoria Cindry have any Devil Fruit powers?

A. No, Victoria Cindry does not have any Devil Fruit powers.

Q. Where is Victoria Cindry from?

A. Victoria Cindry is from the West Blue.
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