Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew, the infamous Straw Hat Pirates, get their second ship, later named the Thousand Sunny, in episode 321 of the anime with the title “The King of Beasts that will Cross the Ocean! The Dream Ship’s Magnificent Completion”.
Episode Number | Episode 321 |
Episode Name | The King of Beasts that will Cross the Ocean! The Dream Ship’s Magnificent Completion |
Manga Chapter | Chapter 436 |
Chapter Name | Pants from Franky House |
As the episode starts, Luffy calmly agrees when Zambai and the Franky Family beg him to take Franky with them now that he is wanted because he had been looking for a shipwright and wanted Franky to join his crew anyway. As the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates prepare to take their leave, Zoro reminds them of their stand on Usopp.
As Mozu and Kiwi push them on, they head to Scrap Island. At Marineford, Attach the photographer is forced to defend the lack of a picture on Sanji's wanted poster. He explains that he tried taking his picture but they all turned out all black. Attach believes this is the consequence of magical power, but it was his fault for forgetting to remove the lens cover.
Everyone arrives at Scrap Island to find their new ship enshrouded. Unexpectedly, Iceburg, Paulie, Lulu, Tilestone, and Yokozuna remained to present the ship while Franky had already left. Franky did leave a message, according to Iceburg, saying that the King of Pirates should sail a ship graced by the King of Beasts, even if Franky did not want to be present at the unveiling.
Iceburg presents the Straw Hats with their new ship, which features a lion figurehead. The new ship of the Straw Hats is a brig sloop, at least double the size of the Going Merry. He delivers a vital message about Franky. Iceburg claims that Franky wants nothing more than to go with the Straw Hats, but he feels he has a duty to Water 7 and, especially, the Franky Family.
Franky nurtured and watched over the Franky Family for years and thus is being obstinate, therefore they will have to be aggressive if they want Franky to be their shipwright. At the now building Franky House, Zambai suggests that Franky should leave with the Straw Hats as he now has a wanted poster after the battle at Enies Lobby and is no longer safe at Water 7.
When they fail to convince Franky to leave, one of them sneaks up on Franky and steals his undies, leaving him butt naked, and runs away forcing Franky to chase them. The Franky Family flees in the direction of Scrap Island, with Franky hot on their tail. Everyone hands the briefs off to the next person in front of each member as they fall. Franky retaliates where he can, causing collateral damage and public screams of indecency, calling Franky a pervert, as the chase continues into the back streets.
They come across Luffy just before the last member of the Family is about to be caught. Luffy thanks Franky for the ship as he grabs the briefs. Franky fires a shot at Luffy, but Luffy gives Chopper the briefs and leads Franky into a trap. Then, Franky is grabbed by Zoro and Sanji and loaded into the Anything-Shot Cannon of the Franky Family. They then fire him in the direction of Scrap Island. As Franky lands on his feet, he turns to see Luffy aboard his new ship, still holding his briefs, demanding that he join the crew if he wants to get them back.
A. Going Merry, the first ship of the Straw Hat Pirates collapsed under its own weight and was destroyed in episode 312 of the anime titled “Thank You Merry! The Sea of Separation in the Snow” based on the One Piece manga chapter 430, titled “A Light Snow of Reminiscence Falls”.
A. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats get their second ship, later named the Thousand Sunny, in episode 321 of the anime with the title “The King of Beasts that will Cross the Ocean! The Dream Ship’s Magnificent Completion”.
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