Toge Toge no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to sprout spikes on any part of their body and completely transform any body part into a spike, transforming the user into a Spike Human. Zala, better known as Miss Doublefinger from Baroque Works, consumed it. The fruit’s usage was demonstrated during the Alabasta Arc.
Name | Toge Toge no Mi |
English Name and Meaning | Spike-Spike Fruit |
Fruit Debut | NA |
Usage Debut | One Piece Episode 117 |
Type | Paramecia |
Current User | Zala |
At some point in the past, Zala devoured the Toge Toge no Mi (Spike-Spike) Devil Fruit. The fruit’s appearance hasn’t been revealed.
The fruit’s main advantage is that it permits the user to grow long and sharp spikes from their body. This means that the user can instantly impale everything in their path by transforming any of their body parts, such as their arms, feet, facial features, or even hair, into a deadly spear.
The spikes are quite powerful, which can easily pierce solid rock. This means that hiding behind a wall is practically impossible, since the user’s spikes will just penetrate through the barrier and attack them nonetheless. Furthermore, the spikes appear almost instantly, making it difficult to react and dodge them in time.
Aside from incredible offensive applications, the fruit’s ability also provides the user great defensive capability, particularly at close range. If the opponent tries to resist the spikes, they will most likely be wounded; Nami ends up with her foot impaled and seriously bleeding at the end of the fight as she tries to force Zala back.
To increase speed and mobility; the user can generate lengthy spikes on the soles of their feet, allowing them to take larger and faster steps or attach themselves to the surface of a ceiling, gaining a high foothold for sneak assaults. Additionally, the user can curl into a spiky ball and roll around after a target.
It has been depicted that the Toge Toge no Mi user can get tangled into a cloth or something similar, as the spikes will be stuck, it will force the user to call them back. Besides this, the user suffers the standard Devil Fruit Weaknesses.
Zala typically uses the abilities of this fruit in fighting and assassination. Her basic attacks primarily consist of stabbing her enemies with her spiky hands or fingers, while Zala claims that any part of her body may be transformed into a useful weapon. As a seasoned assassin, Zala’s assaults are swift and seemingly devastating, however she was deceived into attacking illusions of Nami multiple times during their fight, never truly hitting her vitals.
Zala has demonstrated a variety of clever applications of her fruit’s characteristics, particularly when dealing with a fleeing or hiding enemy. She can punch holes in a wall to create a temporary entryway, grow spikes beneath her feet to walk faster, and stand upside-down from the ceiling.
Apart from a huge arsenal of assassination techniques, Zala may “dope” herself with her own spiked fingers to temporarily boost her muscle bulk, which gives her the physical strength to destroy even stone columns. Zala has demonstrated the following techniques:
Zala transforms her hands into enormous spikes before slashing her opponent many times in quick sessions.
Zala slashes her opponent with her fingers, which she has turned into long spikes.
Zala grows spikes in all directions after rolling her body into a ball, giving her the look of a sea urchin. She can attack in this form by either descending straight down on top of her opponent or rolling around the ground, leveling anything in her path.
Before sprinting down the ground, Zala develops a long spike from the bottom of each foot, using the spikes as stilts to trample and shred anything in her way. Because of the way she walks, the spikes resemble sewing machine needles.
Zala stomps her opponent with thousands of spikes sprouting from the bottom of her foot.
Zala charges her opponent after transforming her hair into a spiked ball. This technology is powerful enough to quickly create a perfectly circular hole in a stone wall.
Zala turns her fingers on both hands into spikes before stabbing herself in the shoulders. This causes her arms to enlarge and become exceedingly muscular, much like doping.
Zala swings clubs with spikes sprouting along her larger arms.
A. The Toge Toge no Mi allows the user to grow spikes on any part of their body, partially or entirely, which makes them a Spike Human.
A. While Nami was battling against Zala, it was shown that the spikes can get tangled in cloth or something similar, and the user will be forced to call back the spikes.
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