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Black Maria in One Piece

Black Maria in One Piece.
Black Maria in One Piece. Still from the anime.

Black Maria is a fictional character in the popular manga and its anime adaptation, the One Piece series, written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.

Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Black Maria and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.

Black Maria, a member of the Tobiroppo, the formidable six Shinuchi within the Beasts Pirates, operates her own brothel located on Onigashima near Kaido's castle.

All About Black Maria


Black Maria

First Appearance

One Piece Episode 982: Kaido's Trump Card - The Tobi Roppo Appear

Japanese Voice Actor

Yū Kobayashi

English Voice Actor

Alicyn Packard




24th September (29)




Beasts Pirates (Tobiroppo)



Brothel Owner

Devil Fruit

Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli (Spider-Spider Fruit, Rosamygale grauvogeli Model)


Beli 480,000,000

Black Maria’s History

Black Maria is a member of the Beasts Pirates and part of a group called the Tobiroppo. She was born in Wano 29 years ago and has a unique ability called the Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, which gives her spider-like powers.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

During the Fire Festival on Onigashima, Black Maria and her fellow Tobiroppo members met with Kaido, their leader. Kaido gave them a mission: to find his son, Yamato. If they succeeded, they would earn a high-ranking position in the crew. Black Maria thought this mission would be tough.

Instead of searching for Yamato like her crewmates, Black Maria decided to stay with Kaido and Orochi. She took care of an injured boy named Momonosuke and allowed him to rest on her lap. But then, Orochi revealed a disturbing plan to crucify Momonosuke, making Black Maria uncomfortable.

As the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance attacked Onigashima, Black Maria and her group were ordered to stop the enemy from reaching the roof, where Kaido was fighting. They retreated to a room in the castle and played music to pass the time.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Black Maria captured Sanji after her subordinates lured him into a trap. When they met, they exchanged some playful banter, and Black Maria admitted she had a soft spot for guys like Sanji. Sanji, though initially offended, soon found himself attracted to her.

Sanji tried to escape, but Black Maria transformed into a spider and pursued him, wanting to keep him as her "pet." Even though Sanji could defeat her male subordinates, he refused to harm Black Maria or her female subordinates, which allowed her to capture him again. She wanted him to call for Nico Robin, using a special mask to broadcast his voice throughout the castle.

But before she could use the mask, Black Maria received a call about the Nine Red Scabbards' location. She volunteered to deal with them after dealing with Sanji.

When Sanji continued to resist calling Robin, Black Maria revealed she set traps at the room's entrance to catch Robin. She then used knuckledusters to beat Sanji until he finally called for Robin. Sanji demanded his release, but Black Maria wanted to keep him as her "pet," just like she had done with other men before.

However, Robin arrived, bypassing the traps, and used her powers to free Sanji. Black Maria was then called by Jack, who ordered her not to interfere and to stay where she was. She accepted the decision and prepared to fight Robin and Brook instead.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Black Maria tried to capture Nico Robin by using her illusion mist, making her Gifters look like Robin's deceased loved ones. At first, Robin pretended to be fooled, but she used her powers to strike down the Gifters with her giant hands.

The illusions didn't work on Brook either, as he had spent 50 years hallucinating that his old friends were still alive. So, Black Maria decided to attack Robin and Brook directly with a creature called Wanyudo. She scolded them for thinking they could challenge Kaido. Black Maria then attached herself to the ceiling with her webbing and set the floor on fire using Wanyudo.

However, Robin used her powers to move herself and Brook to higher ground. She warned Black Maria that she could potentially burn down the whole castle, but Black Maria just mocked her.

After Brook froze and incapacitated Wanyudo, Black Maria used her polearm as a weapon. She tried to manipulate Robin again by claiming that Sanji had betrayed her, but Robin clarified that Sanji had faith in her to defeat Black Maria. Robin created a large effigy of herself, which grabbed Black Maria's spider legs.

However, Black Maria noticed that damaging the effigy also harmed Robin. She used poison to make the effigy release her and then restrained all of its arms with her webbing. Black Maria put on her knuckledusters and began to beat the effigy, and by extension, Robin, until it dissolved.

Robin tried to grab Black Maria again with her arms, but she was quickly immobilized by Black Maria's webbing. Black Maria set the room on fire once more and continued to beat Robin. She insulted Robin, saying that her mind was her only valuable part and that she was just a tool.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

But Robin used a technique called "Mil Fleur: Fish-Man Karate: Giganteum" to create a giant hand that struck the ceiling. The falling debris put out the flames and briefly distracted Black Maria. Robin then transformed into a giant demon-like creature using "Demonio Fleur" and grabbed Black Maria, seemingly breaking her back and defeating her, much to the horror of her subordinates.

Black Maria’s Personality

Black Maria has a laid-back and flirtatious personality. She doesn't like to get directly involved in fights or missions, preferring to spend time with her captain or play music with her subordinates. She often stays in safe places, away from trouble, while her comrades handle the tough tasks.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

However, she can be quite violent and cruel when it comes to her duties as a pirate. She doesn't hold back when it's time to torture or hurt people for the sake of her crew's goals. She's particularly ruthless and untrustworthy, even if someone cooperates with her.

Black Maria has a peculiar habit of keeping men she captures as "pets." She uses torture to make them obedient and devoted to her. They can only express love and worship for her. She becomes very possessive of these men and won't tolerate any disloyalty, resorting to violence if necessary.

She takes pride in her appearance and has modified her Devil Fruit powers to make herself look conventionally beautiful, as she's quite vain.

Black Maria’s Appearance

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Black Maria is a very tall and well-proportioned woman, standing at a towering 8.2 meters in height, which makes her slightly larger than Kaido. She has long blonde hair styled like a geisha's, with two swords incorporated into the arrangement. Her eyes are sky blue, and she often has a strand of hair hanging in front of her left eye. She has two long, slightly curved red horns on top of her head, wears noticeable lipstick, and carries a long smoking pipe.

Her clothing consists of a low-cut, black kimono that exposes her right shoulder, along with a turquoise obi tied around her waist. Both the kimono and obi have blue and yellow floral patterns. She wears black Zōri footwear with red Hanao (straps) and white tabi (socks). When she removes her kimono, she uses Sarashi to cover her breasts.

Black Maria also has a tattoo on her back that reads "女難", meaning "woman trouble." In her Zoan form, her spider forelimbs each display a personalized Jolly Roger, suggesting she may have similar tattoos on her original body.

Black Maria’s Abilities

Black Maria is a significant figure in the Beasts Pirates, ranking just below Kaido and the All-Stars in terms of authority. She owns the Pleasure Hall and oversees its activities.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

She's one of the six strongest Tobiroppo, with a bounty of Beli 480,000,000, which is the second highest among the Tobiroppo. This means she's very powerful and could potentially challenge an All-Star for their position. She's confident in her strength and even believes she could easily defeat the Nine Red Scabbards after their loss to Kaido.

Black Maria is a skilled musician, playing the shamisen and singing. She's also a clever strategist, as seen when she sets up a trap to capture Sanji, one of the Straw Hat Pirates' strongest members.

She has Haki abilities but hasn't been seen using them in combat. Instead, she relies on her Devil Fruit powers and various weapons. She uses brass knuckles to pummel immobilized opponents. Additionally, she wields a polearm with a flaming wheel demon figure at the end, capable of causing destructive damage.

Black Maria can create illusions using an "illusion mist," which she used to try and trick Nico Robin, although Robin saw through the ruse.

Devil Fruit

Black Maria consumed the Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit. This fruit allows her to transform into a full Rosamygale grauvogeli, which is a prehistoric, carnivorous spider. She can also change into a human-spider hybrid form as she wishes.

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

In her human-spider hybrid form, she has a centaur-like body. There's another variation of her hybrid form where she has two legs and six arms. It's suggested that this altered form might be due to some kind of drug, similar to the Rumble Ball used by Tony Tony Chopper.

Black Maria possesses various spider-like abilities. She can walk on walls and ceilings with her spider legs, which have poison barbs at their tips. She can shoot incredibly sticky webs from her body to trap and immobilize her opponents. She can create a shield of nets and intricate traps using her webs. These webs are not only hard to escape from but are also highly flammable.

Black Maria’s Relationships


Black Maria holds a unique position among the higher ranks of the Beasts Pirates. Unlike the other Tobiroppo members, she is less rude and aggressive. She shares a particular appreciation for Ulti's fierce temper and is amused by Who's-Who's desire to succeed as an All-Star.

Black Maria is generally less competitive than some of her fellow crewmates. She has a flirtatious attitude toward her captain, Kaido, and enjoys being close to him, even when assigned a mission. She is also courteous and friendly to Kurozumi Orochi. Black Maria is greatly respected by her subordinates, who affectionately refer to her as "big sis."



Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Black Maria took a liking to Sanji because of his "rough attitude," which she finds charming in men she captures. However, her primary interest in Sanji was to use him as bait to capture Nico Robin. She was not hesitant to resort to physical violence to make Sanji comply with her requests.

Additionally, she had a secondary, more personal interest in keeping Sanji as one of her "pets," a group of men subjected to constant physical torture to break their will. Sanji's chivalry code and his attraction to beautiful women played a significant role in their interactions. He refused to fight back against Black Maria and her female subordinates, entrusting Robin to confront the Tobiroppo in his place. This dynamic added complexity to their relationship in the story.

Nico Robin

Black Maria in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

For Black Maria, capturing Nico Robin was a crucial part of her mission to help Kaido become the Pirate King. She saw Robin solely as a tool to read the Road Poneglyphs, which are essential for finding Laugh Tale. Black Maria contemplated mutilating Robin to keep her in line with Kaido's goals, and once her usefulness as a Poneglyph translator was over.

Despite the danger, Robin showed herself to Black Maria to protect her crewmate, Sanji. Robin was determined to make Black Maria regret her treatment of her friend. Black Maria underestimated Robin's abilities during their fight, which led to her defeat.

Black Maria in Other Media

In addition to the One Piece manga and its anime adaptation, Black Maria also appears as a playable character in One Piece Treasure Cruise.

Did You Know?

  • Black Maria's name may be a reference to the black widow spider, known for its highly venomous nature and the tendency of its females to consume their mates.

  • Her character and Devil Fruit abilities seem to be inspired by two different types of spider yōkai: the Jorōgumo and the Tsuchigumo.

  • Initially, Black Maria was planned to have a Stegosaurus Devil Fruit. Another concept considered was the Obi Obi no Mi (Sash-Sash Fruit).

  • Her name might also be linked to the British card game "Black Maria," fitting with the card game-themed names of the Shinuchi. "Black Maria" is also a nickname for the Queen of Spades card.

  • While her Devil Fruit powers are spider-based, it may reference the patience-type card game Spider Solitaire.

  • Black Maria's favorite food is mitarashi dango.

  • Her hobbies include boxing and romantic relationships.


Q. Who is Black Maria in One Piece?

A. Black Maria is a spectator at the Corrida Colosseum and lives in the western town of Primula in Dressrosa.

Q. When does Black Maria first appear in One Piece?

A. Black Maria first appears in One Piece Episode 982, titled "Kaido's Trump Card - The Tobi Roppo Appear."

Q. Who is Nico Robin in One Piece?

A. Nico Robin is the sixth member to join the Straw Hats crew. She is the archeologist of the crew. She is known as the 'Devil Child' due to the fact that her mother researched the Blank Era. She left the crew temporarily as she thought that she'd bring them harm during Enies Lobby but rejoined them in Water 7.
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