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Charlotte Katakuri in One Piece

Charlotte Katakuri is one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates. He is the second son and third child of Charlotte Family, and is the eldest in the triplet with Daifuku and Oven. He oversees Komugi Island as the Minister of Flour for Totto Land. Although overpowered by Luffy, Katakuri is one of the strongest members in the army of Big Mom Pirates.

All About Katakuri


Charlotte Katakuri

First Appearance in Anime

One Piece Episode 825 "Liar - Luffy and Sanji"

Voice Actors

English Dub: Jonah Scott

Japanese: Tomokazu Sugita

Date of Birth

November 25th








Big Mom Pirates

Charlotte Family



Sweet Commander

Minister of Flour


Grand Line (in a boat on an unknown place)


1,057,000,000 Berries

Katakuri’s Personality

The calm, responsible, and hardworking Katakuri is committed to safeguarding his family and crew and achieving their goals. He frequently uses his highly evolved Kenbunshoku Haki to quickly deal with any issues or threats he predicts. He takes care to do his duties as soon as possible. Katakuri has a habit of predicting what other people will say or do in the future he foresees through his Haki.

Katakuri is quite violent when attacking enemies to ensure they are immediately killed. He will use his weapons to inflict dreadful wounds with impunity. Even in the most dangerous circumstances, Katakuri almost always maintains his composure because he must have his head clear to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

Katakuri is neither boastful nor meek when it comes to assessing the strength of his enemies. As such, he will bluntly point out when a foe is obviously superior to him (to the point of encouraging them to flee while they can). Still, he will also notice if they pose a severe threat or are developing their skills. He will even praise opponents who indicate impressive strength or tactical skills.

Katakuri values a fair fight and appreciates opponents who are equal to him. As a result, he despises being helped during a battle. He will inflict the same wound on his own body to make up for it and level the playing pitch if he finds that he injured someone due to outside aid.

He always pays attention to his opponents' skills, and rather than consider the idea of a new ability being activated, he is very practical and will stop his opponent from doing so. Also, Katakuri considers his foes' potential and will attack those he believes could pose a more significant problem in the future.

To maintain the illusion of perfection that his brothers and crewmates believe he has, Katakuri tries to maintain his position as Big Mom's strongest subordinate. He does this, in part, by never lying on his back in public. However, he has been seen to silence siblings who give him unwarranted praise.

Katakuri regularly takes brief lunch breaks, known as meriendas, where he feeds on his favorite food: doughnuts, and sips tea; to cope with the stresses of his job. Doughnuts had always been Katakuri's favorite food. He used to eat them so frequently that it artificially enlarged his mouth. In his merienda, Katakuri has been shown expressing his love for doughnuts in very private terms while in a blissful state while eating them.

In sharp contrast to his siblings' perception of him as someone who never lies down, Katakuri keeps his merienda very private while he relaxes on his back. Katakuri will get quite frustrated if something prevents him from eating the merienda at the appointed hour because it is essential to his daily routine.

Another reason why he keeps his merienda a closely-guarded secret is because he is very sensitive about his mouth, which resembles a pelican eel for which he was teased as a child.

Katakuri’s Appearance

At 509 cm, Katakuri is a tall, muscular, and powerful man. He has two symmetrical scars and short, spiky, crimson hair on either side of his face. His thighs are as long as his lower limbs, and he has long legs. His mouth, which is generally covered, has sharp teeth like those of a pelican eel and can enlarge to an extraordinary size.

Katakuri has piercing, flashy, crimson eyes with thick, arched eyebrows and noticeable lower eyelashes under each eye. His lips are covered by a large, light, ragged scarf that extends to his shoulders. He also sports spiked boots with spurs, dark gloves and trousers, a belt with a skull-shaped buckle, and a ragged leather vest with the word "CHARLOTTE" on the back that exposes much of his torso.

He has spiked bracelets on his arms, knee pads with a single spike, and a highly defined torso with visible abdominal muscles covered in pink tattoos. When he was a child, Katakuri dressed in a black, tattered jacket and dark, unadorned trousers.

Katakuri’s Relationships

Katakuri demonstrates his great loyalty to her and would not think twice about killing anyone threatening his mother. Despite his commitment and love for her, Linlin regards Katakuri as a lowly child and will not tolerate him meddling in her affairs. While Katakuri simply accepts being patronised by his mother, he also offers an explanation when necessary.

Katakuri is quite close with most of his siblings because of his kind nature. Whenever his siblings are in danger, Katakuri is always driven to save them. Katakuri is stated by all his tiny half-sisters as their favourite brother, and he is also beloved by his fellow brothers.

In addition to his family, Katakuri appears to be concerned about the security of his subordinates. Katakuri takes numerous measures to maintain the impression that he is a strong leader who respects his subordinates and hides his true identity from them.

Katakuri became an enemy to the Straw Hat Pirates when they tried to assassinate Big Mom during the wedding. However, during his fight with Luffy, Katakuri began to respect him as a powerful opponent, and even despised his sister for interfering in the battle. When the fight concluded, Luffy paid his fallen opponent some respect by covering his mouth with his extra hat before leaving. Katakuri grinned when Brûlée told him that Luffy had escaped Totto Land.

Katakuri’s Abilities

Katakuri is a fierce warrior with a strong resolve. According to his crewmates, the Three Sweet Commanders' and Big Mom's overall children, Katakuri, is the strongest. Since he was a young child, Katakuri has been called a "monster" for his strength.

Up to his first defeat by Luffy, he was reported to have never lost a battle in his whole life. Oven called his lengthy and flawless winning streak "legendary."

Physical Strength

Being able to flick jelly beans with such power and speed that they behave like bullets and gravely hurt his opponents with a single shot, Katakuri possesses incredible physical strength. Katakuri is a powerful and skilful hand-to-hand combatant. Katakuri is extremely quick and has exceptional reflexes. He also has impressive levels of durability and endurance.

Katakuri can be a sniper and marksman thanks to his extraordinary physical strength and precision. He is an expert at flicking jelly beans as precise bullets. He can dispatch an enemy even from a great distance.


In battle, Katakuri uses a trident known as Mogura. He is a master at using it, combining with his Devil Fruit abilities and strength to deliver devastating thrusts. When he was younger, he used a trident with a considerably more simpler design.

Devil Fruit

Katakuri consumed the Mochi Mochi no Mi, a Special Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to make, control, and turn his body into mochi. His mochi is so thick and sticky that he can use it to trap his enemies.

He commonly employs his skills in hand-to-hand combat, producing several mochi tendrils on his body to serve as extra fists or legs. By infusing these tendrils with Busoshoku Haki, he may use them to deliver potent punches and kicks. He can also stretch and enlarge his mochi limbs to a monstrous size to enlarge the range of his attacks. He can punch with incredible force by concentrating and squeezing mochi into a single fist.

With the use of his highly developed Kenbunshoku Haki, Katakuri can even alter his body structure to avoid attacks imbued with Haki while remaining unhurt. He can change his body like a Logia user to prevent harm. When using his Devil Fruit, he is incredibly creative.

For example, he made mochi earplugs to shield himself and his brothers from the sound of Big Mom's scream. In addition, Katakuri has developed his Devil Fruit abilities to the point that it has awakened, allowing him to turn nearby inorganic stuff into mochi, considerably extending the range of his attacks and controlling the environment to his advantage.


Katakuri is among few of those people who have mastered all three types of Haki. In battle, Katakuri is an immensely overpowering opponent to fight against due to the precise usage of his Haki.

Haoshoku Haki

Katakuri can use Haoshoku Haki, a very rare type of Haki that is wielded by people who are immensely strong-willed.

Busoshoku Haki

Katakuri showed his mastery of Busoshoku Haki by hardening his mochi leg. His Haki-enhanced strikes are potent enough to repulse and crush an equally powerful opponent's Haki-enhanced attacks. Katakuri's Haki looks like a flame, and it shines blue when he uses his Zan Giri Mochi attack, similar to Big Mom's Haki and Luffy's Haki when he uses Gear 4.

Kenbunshoku Haki

The advanced version of Kenbunshoku, which enables Katakuri to see glimpses of the future a few seconds into the future, shows him to have an excellent command of Kenbunshoku Haki. His predictions are proven to be true. Katakuri, a very experienced Kenbunshoku Haki user, can use his foresight to increase the accuracy of his attacks to such an extent that any powerful enemy could barely dodge them. That said, even Luffy had a great deal of trouble due to this power.

As evidenced by the fact that he stopped Jigra from carrying out the assassination plot he predicted, Katakuri frequently tries to change the future events he foresees. But altering the future might not help much or even worsen things. Also, he can only use his own senses to perceive the future.

Katakuri can achieve incredible results when he combines his Devil Fruit power with his Haki. He can see a little into the future, so he can precisely anticipate where an attack will land. This allows him to move his mochi body out of harm's way, making attacks fly through empty spaces. Even strikes imbued with Busoshoku Haki will pass through him unharmed because he is physically avoiding the attack and preventing it from making contact with him in the first place.

With this power, Katakuri is practically invincible; according to him, it had been years since anybody had touched him before Luffy could do so. His Haki can be nullified only when Katakuri loses his composure or encounters an enemy whose level of Kenbunshoku Haki is equal to or greater than his own.

Katakuri in Other Media

Video Games

Katakuri is a playable character in the following video games:

Game Name

Japanese Release

English Release

One Piece Treasure Cruise

May 12, 2014

Feb 4, 2015

One Piece Thousand Storm

April 21, 2016

January 25, 2017

One Piece Bounty Rush

March 2018

March 2018

One Piece Pirate Warriors 4

March 26, 2020

March 27, 2020

One Piece: Burning Will

One Piece Bon! Bon! Journey!!

One Piece: World Seeker

March 14, 2019

March 15, 2019

One Piece Film: Red

Katakuri features as a side character in the One Piece Film: Red.


Q. Is Katakuri Luffy’s friend?

  1. It is not sure whether they are friends since Katakuri battled Luffy mercilessly. However, as the fight intensified, Katakuri began to respect Luffy as his equal and acknowledged the latter’s strength.

Q. What is Katakuri’s Devil Fruit?

  1. Katakuri consumed Mochi Mochi no Mi.

Q. Is Katakuri the strongest Haki user?

  1. Katakuri is known to be one of the most formidable Haki users. However, it can’t be said that he tops among all the Haki users.

Q. Is Luffy weak against Katakuri?

  1. No, Luffy is proven to be stronger than Katakuri.

Q. Could Wano Luffy beat Katakuri?

  1. Yes, Luffy can easily overpower Katakuri with his current strength.

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