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Lilith in One Piece

Lilith in One Piece.
Lilith in One Piece. Still from the anime.

Lilith is a fictional character in the popular manga and its anime adaptation, the One Piece series, written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.

Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Lilith and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.

Lilith, also known as Punk-02, was one of Dr. Vegapunk's six satellites, representing the aspect of "evil."

All About Lilith



First Appearance

One Piece Chapter 1090: A New Island! Future Island Egghead

Japanese Voice Actor

Aya Hirano






Egghead Island


Marines (SSG)



Lilith’s History

As the Straw Hat Pirates approached Egghead on the Thousand Sunny, the Mecha-Shark attacked. Lilith, in the Vegaforce-01, intervened to save the crew from the shark's threat. Lilith then revealed herself as "Dr. Vegapunk" and, to everyone's confusion, claimed she spared them only to rob them later.

Lilith in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Lilith summoned weaponized Sea Beasts to surround the Straw Hats, demanding their possessions. However, Shaka, another satellite, called and warned her about antagonizing the pirates, as they could overpower her. Lilith, embarrassed, realized her mistake. Zoro advised her to "play nice," and Shaka suggested bringing the pirates to him, expressing interest in the Straw Hats.

Despite her displeasure, Lilith followed Shaka's request and used the Vegaforce-01 to transport the Sunny to the upper part of Egghead, the research laboratory. Leading the Straw Hats (excluding Brook and Zoro) into the lab, Lilith explained its technological features.

Unbeknownst to the crew, Lilith contacted Edison, and together with Pythagoras, they unleashed the Seraphim S-Shark to test its combat capabilities. Shaka intervened, abruptly ending the test, much to Lilith's frustration and anger.

When Pythagoras informed Shaka about a World Government ship with CP0 onboard heading to Egghead, Lilith suggested handing the pirates over to Rob Lucci. Lucci questioned the missing World Government ships, and Lilith impulsively told them to dock at Egghead and see for themselves. Ignoring Pythagoras's caution, she welcomed the challenge of fighting CP0 and the Seraphim to avenge Atlas's previous damage. With Vegapunk's secret ally's support confirmed, Lilith planned to take everyone to the port using the Vegaforce-01.

As both CP0 and the Seraphim landed on the Labophase, Lilith, alongside Edison, went outside to command the Seraphim to stop attacking. S-Hawk targeted Lilith, but Zoro intervened, and Edison successfully commanded the Seraphim to halt, saving everyone.

Lilith in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Later inside the laboratory, Lilith joined everyone in searching for Stella. She teamed up with Usopp, Franky, and York to explore Tower C. Inside, they found Pythagoras's headless body, and Lilith grew impatient with his confusion about the attacker. York was turned to stone by S-Snake, and Lilith tried to intervene but had to jump off the bridge with the others when attacked.

Ignoring Franky's suggestion to directly fight the Seraphim, Lilith brushed it off, stating they couldn't beat S-Snake. She then revealed a significant weakness of the Seraphim - vulnerability to sea energy - using her bubble gun.

Lilith's bubbles missed S-Snake, who tricked Franky into releasing a bubble, allowing her to use her Devil Fruit powers to petrify Lilith and Usopp. The petrification was later lifted, and Lilith joined the other surviving satellites, Vegapunk, and the Straw Hats after restraining the traitor York.

To escape the Marines surrounding Egghead, Lilith joined Monkey D. Luffy, Franky, and Jewelry Bonney on the Thousand Sunny and Vegaforce-01. Vegapunk specifically ordered Lilith to pilot Vegaforce-01, but when it was destroyed, Franky had her pilot his General Franky instead.

Lilith’s Personality

Lilith, Vegapunk's "evil" satellite, embodies his ruthless traits, often deceiving and acting untrustworthy. She justifies stealing from pirates for Vegapunk's research, showing a disregard for morality.

Lilith in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Lilith is impulsive, and combative, and dislikes orders, especially from Shaka. Despite her "evil" nature, she cares for her fellow satellites and displays moments of compassion, such as avenging Atlas and worrying about Edison's safety.

Lilith’s Appearance

Lilith in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Lilith is a young woman with wild light brown hair. She wears a pink jumpsuit with "Punk-02" on the left breast, a purple hooded coat, purple DOM shoes, black gloves, and a red aviator helmet. She also has an earpiece and antenna for communication with other Vegapunk satellites.

Lilith’s Abilities

As one of Vegapunk's manifestations, Lilith has played a role in his technological advancements. Despite her advanced technology and weaponry, Shaka cautioned her not to engage in combat with powerful individuals like Roronoa Zoro and Nico Robin from an Emperor's crew.

Lilith uses mechas and cybernetically enhanced animals in combat. She pilots a giant mecha called Vegaforce-01, capable of carrying the Thousand Sunny and moving underwater.

Lilith in One Piece.
Lilith, as seen in the digitally colorized One Piece manga.

Lilith commands a fleet of Sea Beasts turned into cyborgs, each equipped with various weapons. These creatures allow her to surround and overwhelm ships at sea, aiding in looting. However, programming issues limit her control over their organic urges.

Lilith's primary weapon is a futuristic gun known as the Bubble Gun. It shoots special bubbles, called Bubble Balls, containing sea energy. These bubbles deflect attacks and serve as a weakness for Devil Fruit users.

Lilith’s Relationship with Others

The relationships among Vegapunk's satellites, Lilith, Shaka, Edison, Pythagoras, and York, reveal a complex dynamic within Vegapunk's creations.

Lilith and Shaka have a rivalry, embodying "Evil" and "Good" aspects of Vegapunk. Lilith mourns Shaka's death, showing care despite their differences. Lilith also cares for Edison and Pythagoras, mourning their losses due to York's betrayal. When York's betrayal is exposed, Lilith becomes furious by her betrayal and labels her a traitor.

Did You Know?

  • Lilith's name might be inspired by the figure in Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology, often portrayed as a primordial demon. This aligns with her role as the embodiment of Dr. Vegapunk's "evil."

  • Alternatively, Lilith's name could draw inspiration from the asteroid 1181 Lilith, situated in the Solar System's asteroid belt. The asteroid is named after the French composer Marie-Juliette Olga Lili Boulanger, whose byname "Lili" is derived from Lilith's namesake in mythology.


Q. Who is Lilith in One Piece?

A. Lilith, also known as Punk-02, was one of Dr. Vegapunk's six satellites, representing the aspect of "evil."

Q. When does Lilith first appear in One Piece?

A. Lilith first appears in One Piece episode 1090, titled "A New Island! Future Island Egghead."

Q. Who is Dr. Vegapunk in One Piece?

A. Dr. Vegapunk is the SSG’s chief scientist and is employed by the Marines. His work includes discovering the secrets and applications of sea stone, the secrets of how Devil Fruit powers work, co-discovery of the Lineage Factor and its applications, the creation of the Pacafista and Seraphim, and a variety of other scientific achievements that are said to be at least 500 years ahead of any current technology.
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