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Shinobu in One Piece

Shinobu in One Piece.
Shinobu in One Piece. Still from the anime.

Shinobu is a fictional character in the popular manga and its anime adaptation, the One Piece series, written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.

Disclaimer: This article will contain details revolving around Shinobu and might contain spoilers for some viewers. Readers are advised to proceed at their own discretion.

Shinobu is a skilled kunoichi hailing from Wano Country, and she has a deep connection to the Kozuki Family. She previously served as part of the Oniwabanshu, the secret police force under the Kozuki Shogunate, and trained under Kin'emon as his protegée. Additionally, she is the younger sister of Shinosuke.

During the events of the Wano Country Arc, Shinobu aligns herself with the Straw Hat Pirates, becoming one of their valuable allies as they work together to bring about change and topple the oppressive regime in Wano Country.

All About Shinobu




Bewitching Kunoichi

Shinobu the Man-Killer

First Appearance in Anime

One Piece Episode 911: Rampage! The Prisoners - Luffy and Kid!

Japanese Voice Actor

Yuriko Yamamoto

English Voice Actor

Morgan Garrett


23rd October








Kozuki Family



Retainer of the Kozuki Family


Wano Country

Devil Fruit

Juku Juku no Mi (Ripe-Ripe Fruit)



Shinobu’s History

Shinobu was a member of the Kozuki Oniwabanshu, a ninja squad in service to the Kozuki Family. However, when Kurozumi Orochi seized control of the shogunate 28 years ago, all the ninja from the squad except Shinobu chose to serve him as part of the Orochi Oniwabanshu.

Shinobu in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Twenty-five years before the present timeline, Shinobu spied on a confrontation between Kozuki Oden and Orochi. During this event, Oden made a deal with Orochi to dance naked in the streets every week to prevent Orochi from sending 100 kidnapped citizens to his ally Kaido. It was believed that this deal would lead to Orochi and Kaido eventually leaving Wano Country.

Five years later, Shinobu joined forces with Oden and his Nine Red Scabbards to battle Kaido and the Beasts Pirates at Udon. Unfortunately, the Beasts Pirates emerged victorious, and Oden chose to claim he didn't know Shinobu to ensure her freedom.

Oden and the Scabbards were condemned to execution by boiling, and Oden carried his retainers on a piece of wood while standing in the boiling oil. As the citizens made disparaging comments about Oden, Shinobu attacked one of them and revealed the deal Oden had struck with Orochi.

Shinobu in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Fukurokuju and the Orochi Oniwabanshu confronted her, and Orochi decided to change the execution method to shoot Oden and his followers instead. In the midst of this chaos, Oden tossed his retainers away from the execution site, and Shinobu managed to break free from Fukurokuju. She fled with the Scabbards as Oden met his tragic end.

For the following two decades, the Kozuki Family and their allies faced persecution under the rule of Orochi and Kaido. However, when Oden's son, Kozuki Momonosuke, and a group of Scabbards led by Kin'emon returned to Wano after being sent forward in time, Shinobu joined their efforts. Together, they aimed to recruit allies and orchestrate a raid on Onigashima during the Fire Festival to overthrow Kaido and Orochi.

Wano Country Arc

Kin'emon called upon Shinobu to train their ally, Nami of the Straw Hat Pirates, in the ways of the kunoichi (female ninja). During this time, Kaido arrived in Kuri in search of Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar Law. He unleashed a devastating fire breath attack that obliterated the alliance's hideout. In a desperate move, Shinobu used her Devil Fruit ability to sink herself and her comrades into the ground, narrowly escaping Kaido's assault.

After this incident, Shinobu took Nami to the Flower Capital and taught her how to spy on two government officials discussing the purchase of weapons. However, their cover was blown when the officials noticed Nami spying from an attic. In a moment of fear, Shinobu used a large kite to glide out of the building with Nami.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

The two then infiltrated Orochi Castle to protect Nico Robin as she searched for crucial information. When Robin was captured by the Orochi Oniwabanshu, she contacted Shinobu and Nami for assistance. They rushed to her aid. In a tense confrontation, an Oniwabanshu member named Hanzo spotted Shinobu but hesitated, causing her to strike him in a sensitive area.

Shinobu then crashed into Orochi's banquet hall, landing on one of his heads. She was shocked to witness the yakuza boss Kyoshiro killing the oiran Komurasaki for defying Orochi. The group managed to escape Orochi Castle and traveled to the Northern Cemetery in Ringo with Kanjuro.

There, Robin and Brook shared the information they had gathered. Later, they returned to the Flower Capital and decided to visit a bathhouse. During their time there, Shinobu shared details about Kyoshiro and the former yakuza boss of Wano, Hyogoro, with Nami and Robin.

In the midst of their stay at the bathhouse, trouble found Shinobu, Nami, and Robin when X Drake and Basil Hawkins, two members of the Beasts Pirates, led a platoon into the establishment. Their mission was to capture anyone bearing the crescent moon symbol on their ankle, a sign of loyalty to the Kozuki Family that the Wano administration had discovered.

Nami attempted to conceal herself behind Shinobu, and in the ensuing chaos, Hawkins accidentally disrobed Nami, leading to an embarrassing encounter with Sanji. Sanji, who was invisible thanks to his Raid Suit, then rescued Shinobu, Nami, and Robin by flying them out of the bathhouse.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Sanji transported the trio to Ebisu Town, where Shinobu confronted Law, believing that his crewmates had revealed the Kozuki Family's secret call to arms. This accusation infuriated Law, but Shinobu insisted on eliminating his imprisoned comrades instead of attempting to rescue them.

Kanjuro interjected, advising Shinobu to cease antagonizing their allies. A man named Tonoyasu entered the scene and presented the call-to-arms message, offering his assistance in the forthcoming battle. He displayed familiarity with Shinobu and Kanjuro, but they couldn't identify him.

The following day, they learned that Tonoyasu had been apprehended, and as they watched a broadcast of his impending execution, Shinobu and Kanjuro recognized him as the former daimyo Yasuie. They rushed to the Flower Capital in an attempt to save him, but Yasuie was executed before they could reach him.

They witnessed the Ebisu Town citizens' laughter in response to Yasuie's death, and Shinobu disclosed Orochi's sinister plot involving defective SMILE fruits being used to force the townspeople into perpetual smiles and laughter.

The Straw Hats and their allies engaged Orochi's forces in a fierce battle to recover Yasuie's body. After the skirmish ended, Shinobu and Sanji observed the Flower Capital from a rooftop.

The city was locked down, and posters depicting the alliance members were plastered all over, but Shinobu recognized that their primary objective was rescuing the individuals with crescent moon symbols on their ankles who had been imprisoned in Rasetsu Town.

Shinobu subsequently journeyed to Amigasa Village in Kuri, participating in a meeting with the Nine Red Scabbards, except for Denjiro and Nekomamushi, as well as the Straw Hats. During this gathering, Kin'emon disclosed that Yasuie, in his sacrifice, had altered the alliance's rendezvous location to Tokage Port to avoid Orochi's detection of their plans.

Three days later, on the eve of the raid, Momonosuke, the Scabbards, and Shinobu departed for Tokage Port, intending to rendezvous with their allies the following day. However, upon reaching Tokage Port, they discovered that none of their comrades were present. Unable to delay the raid, the seven Scabbards decided to commandeer a serviceable ship and confront Kaido on their own, leaving Momonosuke in Shinobu's care.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Unknown to Shinobu, Kanjuro had secretly remained behind on the coast and had been leaking information to Orochi. When Kanjuro revealed his treachery and captured Momonosuke, he incapacitated Shinobu by using snakes to bind her. After fleeing to Onigashima with Momonosuke in tow, Kanjuro released Shinobu, and she rejoined the Scabbards on the Polar Tang.

She apologized to Kin'emon for allowing Momonosuke to be captured. During their voyage, the alliance came under attack from a Beasts Pirates ship equipped with long-range cannons, but Jinbe arrived to assist them.

Following the Straw Hats' victory over the guards at the torii gates, Shinobu and the rebel forces reached Onigashima. She later joined Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nami, and Carrot inside the Brachio Tank V.

This group, along with Kin'emon's forces, arrived at the Pleasure Hall owned by Black Maria. Shinobu, Nami, and Carrot volunteered to search for Momonosuke. As they ventured forward, they encountered Prometheus and hurriedly fled from the homie, which promptly called for Big Mom's attention.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Nami and Carrot were captured, but Shinobu managed to slip away unnoticed. This allowed her to move covertly and attempt to rescue Momonosuke. Her efforts were soon noticed by King, who tossed her aside. Fortunately, Sanji arrived in his Raid Suit, enabling him to rescue Momonosuke and pass him off to Shinobu. Together, they flew to safety.

Once they landed, Luffy instructed Shinobu to trust Yamato, who introduced himself as Oden. However, Shinobu was skeptical and fled with Momonosuke instead of accepting Yamato's assistance. While evading Yamato, they were attacked by Sasaki's platoon. During the confrontation, Shinobu shielded Momonosuke from harm but sustained injuries herself. Yamato intervened to protect them.

Due to her wounds, Shinobu pleaded with Yamato to safeguard Momonosuke and leave her behind. At that moment, Franky, piloting the General Franky, arrived with Hatcha in pursuit. Hatcha's attack created an opening in the floor, allowing Yamato to escape with Shinobu and Momonosuke.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

They found refuge in the storeroom inside the Skull Dome, where Shinobu listened to Yamato recounting their encounter with Portgas D. Ace and the retrieval of Oden's logbook.

Later, a mouse with an eye mask accidentally entered the storeroom, revealing itself as a cyborg from Kaido's surveillance unit. This compromised their location, and a group of Beasts Pirates swarmed the storehouse. While concealing Momonosuke, Yamato and Shinobu fought their way out.

As they moved through the Right Brain Tower, Momonosuke expressed feelings of self-disgust, believing that everyone saw him as strong while he perceived himself as weak and foolish.

Shinobu countered, calling him brave. However, Momonosuke suddenly transformed into his dragon form, surprising both Shinobu and Yamato. After reverting to his human form, Momonosuke shared that Luffy, although seemingly weak, was still battling Kaido, leaving Shinobu astonished and wondering how he knew that.

Shinobu, after contacting Kin'emon, found a hiding place with Momonosuke in the crawlspace between the first and second floors. There, Momonosuke began reading his father's logbook, which Shinobu curiously peeked at.

Suddenly, Momonosuke experienced a severe headache, leaving Shinobu in shock about his condition. They were eventually discovered and regrouped with Kin'emon and Kikunoju, who were equally alarmed by Momonosuke's sudden pain.

Unbeknownst to them, Kanjuro also located Momonosuke and Shinobu. He used his Oden impersonation to deceive both Shinobu and Momonosuke before being exposed by Kin'emon and Kikunoju.

However, Kanjuro still managed to harm Kikunoju with a sneak attack, shocking Shinobu even further. Things took a turn for the worse when Kaido suddenly appeared, attempting to attack both Shinobu and Momonosuke. Kin'emon intervened and requested Shinobu to take Momonosuke to safety.

Shinobu carried Momonosuke and left the scene. On their way, Momonosuke, using a Mary transmitter, conveyed Luffy's message to everyone on Onigashima. Eventually, they ended up on the roof, where they were discovered by Kaido once more, who sought to settle his unfinished business with them.

With no other escape route, Shinobu used her Devil Fruit abilities to make the ground beneath them crumble, sending them both falling off Onigashima.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Digitally colorized One Piece manga panel.

After Luffy was saved by the Heart Pirates, Momonosuke approached Shinobu in private and requested her to use her powers to make him an adult physically. Shinobu explained that this would only change his physical appearance, leaving him mentally as a child, and advised against such a request.

Despite her fear of the consequences, Shinobu fulfilled Momonosuke's wish and used her Devil Fruit powers to physically transform him into an adult. This transformation made him bear a striking resemblance to his father, which moved Shinobu to tears. She later watched as Luffy and the now-adult Momonosuke departed for Onigashima.

After Luffy's victory over Kaido and the safe landing of Onigashima, Momonosuke, along with his sister and retainers, flew into the Flower Capital to calm the panicking citizens. Denjiro announced Momonosuke as the new Shogun of Wano Country, and he delivered a speech to the nation. Following this, Momonosuke and his retainers entered the shogun's castle.

Shinobu in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

A week later, Shinobu joined other women in a bath and enjoyed the ongoing festivities in the Flower Capital. However, when Admiral Ryokugyu approached, several Kozuki retainers, including Shinobu, attempted to stop him from entering the capital.

During the ensuing battle, Ryokugyu used his Devil Fruit powers to restrain Shinobu and Raizo, draining them of their moisture. He announced his intention to go after Luffy but was ultimately forced to retreat due to the signal of Shanks' Haki.

Shinobu was taken back to the Flower Capital and received treatment from mink doctors, eventually making a full recovery. However, she lost excess body fat in the process, causing her to resemble her appearance from 20 years ago.

During her recovery, Shinobu took Tama under her wing as a kunoichi apprentice. She later reunited with her comrades, including Yamato, when Momonosuke officially assumed his role as the new Shogun of Wano.

Shinobu’s Personality

Shinobu is a person who cares deeply about her appearance, and she doesn't take kindly to anyone suggesting that she's not as beautiful as she once was. She can get easily anxious and has a fear of sharp objects, which is a relatively new development in her personality.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

However, when it comes to the mission of overthrowing Orochi, she becomes very serious and dedicated. She gets frustrated when things don't go as planned and is even willing to consider extreme measures, like silencing captured individuals if they're suspected of compromising their goals. This shows her strong commitment to the cause.

Shinobu also has a compassionate side, especially when it comes to the suffering of Wano's citizens under Orochi's rule. She's moved to tears when she thinks about how the people of Ebisu Town were forced to eat the faulty SMILE fruits out of sheer hunger. This reveals her empathy and genuine concern for the well-being of the citizens.

Shinobu’s Appearance

Shinobu in One Piece.
Shinobu, as seen in the anime.

Shinobu is a tall woman at 180 cm, despite her stocky build. She has a round face with broad eyebrows and a noticeable nose. Her hair is brown and tied in pigtails, and she wears distinctive makeup. Shinobu typically dresses in a pink kunoichi outfit.

In her younger days, Shinobu was considered quite beautiful. She wore a short, hot-pink dress with slits at the sides and a low neckline. Her pigtails were longer, and she had a light-yellow scarf.

However, after a battle with Ryokugyu, her body shrank, and she lost excess fat, reverting to her appearance from 20 years ago.

Shinobu in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Her current attire includes a sleeveless kimono with floral patterns, a checkered belt, high-heeled sandals, a scarf, and a knee-length cape. Despite these changes, she still has her distinctive bangs and rosy cheeks from her older look.

Shinobu’s Abilities

Shinobu is a highly experienced kunoichi, possessing extensive knowledge of stealth, espionage, and escape techniques. Her exceptional reflexes played a crucial role in saving her allies from a direct attack by Kaido, highlighting her agility and quick reactions. She is even capable of running on walls, showcasing her impressive physical abilities.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu states that she specializes in the "Art of Bewitchment," a skill set that likely involves using charm and deception as part of her espionage techniques.

As a veteran kunoichi, Shinobu has honed her skills in ninjutsu, stealth, and infiltration to a high degree. She effortlessly defeated Hanzo of the Orochi Oniwabanshu and successfully infiltrated Orochi's castle.

In terms of marksmanship, Shinobu has displayed remarkable proficiency in shurikenjutsu, as seen when she accurately targeted Hanzo's groin by making an object ricochet off the ground. In her youth, she exhibited exceptional marksmanship with kunai throwing knives and skillfully taking out a Beasts Pirate sniper who threatened Oden.

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu's Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, the Juku Juku no Mi, grants her the unique ability to induce rapid maturation and decay in anything she touches. She refers to her power as the "Juku Juku Enticement Jutsu." This ability enables her to evade attacks by rotting away surfaces to create hiding spots, such as sinkholes.

She can also use it to age living beings physically, making them larger and stronger for combat, although this transformation doesn't affect their mental state and cannot be reversed.

In addition to her Devil Fruit power and ninjutsu skills, Shinobu carries a katana for combat purposes. During a past battle with the Beasts Pirates, she effectively utilized throwing kunai as part of her weaponry.

Shinobu’s Relationships

Kozuki Family

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu is fiercely loyal to the Kozuki Family and fully supports Kin'emon's efforts to overthrow Orochi and Kaido's rule in Wano. She fought alongside Kozuki Oden and his allies before their capture, demonstrating her commitment to their cause.

Despite Oden claiming not to know her to spare her life, Shinobu continued to hold deep loyalty to the family. She ceased being Fukurokuju's subordinate primarily because of his betrayal of Oden. Shinobu is dedicated to preserving the truth about Oden's actions during his execution and was quick to correct the citizens of Wano when they insulted his behavior.

For 20 years, Shinobu, like many other residents of Wano, waited for the Kozuki Family's return. When they did return, she eagerly joined their efforts to recruit allies and take down Kaido and Orochi.

Kozuki Momonosuke

Shinobu in One Piece.
One Piece manga panel.

Shinobu is particularly protective of Kozuki Momonosuke, the young heir to the Kozuki Family's legacy. She prioritizes his safety above all else and has attempted to free him when he is captured. She continues to protect him from threats, including Onigashima and plays a crucial role in his escape from the island.

Momonosuke trusts Shinobu deeply and even asks her to use her Devil Fruit ability to age him by 20 years, allowing him to transform into a larger dragon form. Their bond is built on trust and mutual respect for the Kozuki Family's legacy.


Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu initially had a distrustful and skeptical attitude towards Yamato when they first met. She was unsure of his true intentions, especially when he claimed to be Kozuki Oden. However, her doubts were dispelled when Luffy vouched for Yamato, confirming that he was an ally.

After witnessing Yamato's bravery in protecting her and Momonosuke from Sasaki's forces, Shinobu fully accepted him as an ally. She fought alongside Yamato to protect Momonosuke and was grateful for his assistance, despite his revelation that Kaido was his father. Their shared goal of protecting Momonosuke and defeating Kaido solidified their alliance.

Straw Hat Pirates

Shinobu in One Piece.
Source: Toei Animation

Shinobu also trusts the Straw Hat Pirates and has worked well with them on multiple occasions. She collaborated with Nami on a mission, demonstrating her willingness to cooperate with the crew.

Trafalgar D. Water Law

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu's relationship with Trafalgar D. Water Law is strained. When Law's crewmates were captured by Orochi's forces, Shinobu suspected them of leaking information, leading to a clash with Law.

She suggested silencing and killing Law's crewmates to prevent an information leak, which angered Law. He decided to rescue his crewmates himself to prevent Shinobu from harming them and expressed his displeasure at her doubting his comrades. Shinobu's extreme approach to ensuring the success of the plan to kill Orochi has strained her relationship with Law, who strongly opposes her methods.

Kurozumi Orochi

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu holds immense resentment and hatred toward Kurozumi Orochi due to his tyranny and oppression in Wano. She passionately supports the Kozuki Family's efforts to overthrow him and despises Orochi even more after witnessing his cruel execution of Shimotsuki Yasuie and his delight in the suffering caused by the SMILE fruits.


Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Fukurokuju was once Shinobu's superior, but she ceased being his subordinate when he betrayed the Kozuki Family in favor of Kurozumi Orochi. Shinobu harbors strong animosity towards Fukurokuju for his betrayal.

Kurozumi Kanjuro

Shinobu in One Piece.
Still from the anime.

Shinobu deeply respected Kanjuro as one of Oden's closest retainers, referring to him respectfully as Kan-sama. However, Kanjuro was secretly working as a spy for Orochi and jeopardizing the Kozuki revolution that Shinobu had been anticipating for twenty years.

Because of her trust in Kanjuro, she never considered the possibility of him being a traitor. Shinobu learned of Kanjuro's true colors after he dropped his charade, which undoubtedly left her feeling betrayed and resentful.

Shinobu in Other Media

Shinobu in One Piece.
One Piece Bounty Rush.

In addition to the manga and its anime adaptation, Shinobu also appeared in video games.

She is a playable character in the following games:

  • One Piece Treasure Cruise

  • One Piece Bounty Rush

Did You Know?

  • The name "Shinobu" is derived from the verb form "shinobi," which means "to endure" or "to conceal oneself," often associated with ninja activities.

  • In an SBS, a fan asked Oda if Shinobu had been modeled after Jane from the series Jungle King Tar-chan, which was written by one of Oda's mentors, Masaya Tokuhiro. Oda confirmed that both Jane and Shinobu were initially attractive in their youth but aged poorly. However, Oda revealed that Shinobu's design was originally inspired by the famous Japanese comedian and actress Naomi Watanabe.

  • Shinobu's favorite food is hanpen. Interestingly, hanpen is commonly used in Oden, which aligns with the ingredient theme associated with Kozuki Oden's main retainers, the Nine Red Scabbards.


Q. Who is Shinobu in One Piece?

A. Shinobu is a skilled kunoichi hailing from Wano Country, and she has a deep connection to the Kozuki Family. She previously served as part of the Oniwabanshu, the secret police force under the Kozuki Shogunate, and trained under Kin'emon as his protegée. Additionally, she is the younger sister of Shinosuke.

Q. Who voiced Shinobu?

A. In the Japanese version of the anime, Shinobu is voiced by Yuriko Yamamoto, and in the English version, she is voiced by Morgan Garrett.

Q. Who is Kin'emon in One Piece?

A. Kin'emon is a character in the manga and anime series "One Piece." He is a samurai from the Wano Country and a member of the Nine Red Scabbards, a group of loyal retainers to the Kozuki Family.
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